Page 65 of Trusting Forever

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“I had a dream last night that Santa came and brought me everything I asked for,” Ember proclaimed.

I smiled, unable to stay upset when she was so excited.

“Remember, Santa doesn’t always bring everything you want.”

“But it was on my list,” Ember insisted.

I let Sebastian handle it because he’d made it clear he was the father, and he handled all things Ember. I ate quickly, gathering my things before heading to the door.

Sebastian raised a brow. “Are you leaving early?”

“We have a staff meeting this morning.”

“I’ll walk Ember to the bus stop,” Sebastian said, as if he hadn’t relied on me to do that since I moved in. It would have been easier if Ember attended my school, but she didn’t.

“Have a great day, Ember.”

“We’re doing holiday stuff all week,” she declared.

“That’ll be fun,” I said with a wave as I walked out. It was a wasted week when it came to learning, but the kids were in high spirits, and I enjoyed this time with them.

On the drive to the school, I pushed my worries about Sebastian and our new status out of my head. I had other things to tackle. I shouldn’t put pressure on our new relationship.

So, I’d keep it light and easy, and if he didn’t make a change in the new year, then I’d have to make a decision. But until then, I’d enjoy this new connection. And try not to worry.

* * *

The rest of the week, I slipped into Sebastian’s bed at the end of the night. Our passion was just as hot as that first night. Being with him was a guilty pleasure, but that was only because I had to slip out before Ember woke.

If I were stronger, I’d leave after we were intimate, but I loved cuddling with him afterward. He always held me close, with a hand in my hair and one on my hip or back. I’d gotten quickly used to his touch.

Being with him was addictive. But when the sun rose, I felt guilty for not demanding more for both of us. How amazing would it be to wake up to him in his bed, to greet Ember, prepare breakfast, and get ready for school and work together?

But I wouldn’t push him before the new year. It was a busy time for everyone, especially the Monroes with the farm.

“We are going to walk around Annapolis today to do some shopping. Do you want to come with us?” Sebastian asked on Saturday as I was mixing the batter for a cake.

“Why don’t you go with Ember and spend time with her? I wanted to bake this morning.”

Sebastian nodded toward the bowl. “Is that for your family?”

“I’m making one for you and Ember and one for my family.”

Sebastian nodded, but it looked like he wanted to say something else. But he couldn’t argue with my desire for him to spend time alone with his daughter, and I’d already started baking. I couldn’t stop in the middle.

“We’ll see you later?” he asked hesitantly.

“I’m going out with a work friend for dinner and drinks.”

“Oh.” But he didn’t say anything more, and what could he say in front of Ember? I hoped to spend more time with you? We hadn’t crossed that line because he was holding us back. That was his doing, and I wouldn’t make this easier for him.

“I might be late. Don’t worry if I’m not back before bed,” I said as I poured the batter into the loaf pan.

“Sounds good,” Sebastian said as he ushered Ember out the door. But it didn’t sound like he was okay with my plans. If he wanted to spend the day together, he should have asked. I finished baking to the sounds of holiday tunes and tried not to think about the situation with Sebastian.

Our bodies knew just what to do when we were together, but my feelings were getting deeper each day.

When the cakes were cooling, I showered and got ready for dinner. I decided to head out early. I needed some space and perspective.

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