Page 45 of Trusting Forever

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“I wasn’t expecting this,” I said as I sat down, grabbing a fork and digging in. “It’s nice to have someone other than my mother cook for me.”

Hanna laughed and pointed between us. “Don’t get used to it. This is temporary.”

I could have said there was no rush for her to leave, but I’d said it before. I could only hope telling her how I felt would change everything. If it was too late, I’d have to deal with that, too. Hopefully, our friendship would survive.

Hanna sat next to me, and we ate in relative silence. Music played softly from her phone. “I love the holiday season.”

“I’ll be happy when it’s over. Then I only have to worry about my regular job.” It was something I’d said a million times during the months of November and December, but I wasn’t sure it was true anymore.

“Do you think the events you held this year will add to the bottom line for the farm?” Hanna asked.

She wasn’t privy to the family meetings about finances, but I’d filled her in over the years. “I hope so. I’ve already seen an increase in customers buying trees. One can assume it came from Marley’s efforts to increase marketing online and through newsletters. Then there was the movie night we held.”

A slow smile spread over Hanna’s face. “You’ve definitely increased your brand awareness, as Marley would say.”

I nodded. “She’s good at that stuff.”

“Is she still running her online business?” Hanna cut into her eggs and popped them into her mouth.

“As far as I know. She has mentioned a few times that she already built the courses, and she’ll place them on sale throughout the year to promote them. I have a feeling she built her business, and she can coast through the year.”

“What about her house in California?”

“She’s keeping it so they can use it for vacations. She loves the beach. I think they’re planning on going in January after the season is over.”

Hanna’s eyes clouded over. “I don’t get to go on vacations at all. What’s the point when you’d go on them by yourself?”

I took care of my dish and moved to the carafe to pour a cup of coffee. “I didn’t know you wanted to travel.”

Hanna shrugged. “Everyone enjoys a week at the beach. When we were kids, we traveled with my family, but only to the beaches within driving distance. I’d love to go to the Caribbean, maybe try a cruise, or even go to Europe.”

I never thought much about traveling. I had enough to keep myself busy here, but the idea didn’t sound terrible. Not if I was spending that time with Hanna and Ember. “I should plan a beach trip with Ember. I get so caught up in work that I forget that most families go on vacations in the summer.”

Hanna shook her head, her eyes pinched with regret. “I didn’t mention it to make you feel bad. There are no rules about how to parent. You can do whatever feels right.”

“But it’s a good reminder about what else I could be doing. I’m sure Ember would love to go to the beach.”

Hanna braced a hand on the counter. “You could make it a family trip. Do any of your brothers go on vacation?”

I chuckled. “No one has time. Our lives are full, between our jobs and the farm.”

“You’re busy guys, but you have to take the time to rest and recuperate. Maybe that’s why you’re so run-down by December. You work hard and don’t take any time to play.” Hanna grinned, and I couldn’t help but think about what she meant by the word play. I resisted the urge to cross the room and kiss her.

My heart was thumping wildly in my chest, and I couldn’t get the image out of my head. I wanted Hanna, and I couldn’t see my life feeling complete without her in it. I wanted to wake up and come home to her every day. I wanted to go on vacations with her. Build a life with her. I wouldn’t be the same without her.

I had a feeling that Hanna was the woman for me. I hadn’t met anyone, not because I’d been busy as a single father, but because she was the one.

My phone buzzed with a text from Knox.


We’re on our way over. The girls had fun last night. They stayed up until ten, watching movies. Then they fell asleep in the fort in the living room.

Thanks for watching Ember for me.


I hope you took advantage of the situation.

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