Page 44 of Trusting Forever

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She nodded against my back where her head rested. “A little.”

“Just hold on tight. I’ve got you.”

“That’s what I’m hoping.”

I revved the engine, and we took off. We were meeting Heath, Marley, Emmett, and Ireland on the trails by Heath’s house. We didn’t stop when we saw them. They just fell in line beside us, and we rode to the illuminated pond and around the perimeter.

The night air was cool, and the snow blanketing the ground gave the farm a hushed quality. No one spoke or called out. Not like when we were kids and would scream and holler to one another. On the way back, Heath and Marley peeled off at their house, then we dropped off Emmett and Ireland.

“I have a feeling they have other plans for the evening,” Hanna whispered in my ear when we stopped briefly to wave goodbye.

“I bet,” I said, even though my throat was dry at the prospect of spending time alone with Hanna. We had the evening to ourselves, since Ember was at Addy’s. But I wasn’t ready to bare my soul to her. Not yet. That was what the bachelorette auction was for, but I could lay the groundwork for what I wanted tonight.

We headed home and parked the snowmobile in the garage.

When we removed our helmets, I asked, “Did you have a good time?”

“The best.” Hanna grinned at me, and the happiness in her eyes was contagious. Her cheeks were red, and her hair was wild and frizzy down her back.

“You ready to warm up?” I held my hand out to her.

She rested her hand in mine as we walked inside. We removed our clothing and settled on the couch. The fire was on, and the overhead lights were off, so we could enjoy the lights on the tree and the deck. “Your home looks great.”

“It exceeded my expectations, but that was all Heath. This was his first solo project as a contractor, and he wanted to do a good job.”

“He did, but you made it a home with the holiday decorations and the warm and inviting furniture.”

“It wouldn’t be the same without you here.” She was what made my home inviting.

Hanna looked at me curiously but didn’t ask any follow-up questions about what I meant by my comment.

Instead, she rested her head on my shoulder. A move she’d done dozens of times over the years. But this time, I lifted my arm and let her head roll to my chest. Her palm rested over my pounding heart.

Instead of revealing my feelings, I clicked on the TV and navigated to a holiday movie I knew we’d both enjoy. The best part about being in love with my best friend was that I knew everything about her wants and desires. Her favorite movies, the flowers she preferred, and even her hopes and dreams. The only thing I wasn’t sure of was her feelings for me.

I pushed aside the anxiety and enjoyed being in the moment with her. Her hair tickled my chin, and the warmth of her palm seared my skin through the thin cotton of my shirt. When her breath evened out, I let myself enjoy every inch of her that was touching me.

Eventually, I must have drifted off, too, because when I jerked awake, it was still dark out, but we were lying on our sides, Hanna’s back to my front. My hand was draped over her waist.

I breathed her in, reveling in the warmth of her body and the closeness. I quickly fell back asleep, content.

* * *

When I woke up the next morning, I was alone on the couch. Hanna must have slipped away at some point. Hearing a noise in the kitchen, I swung my legs over the side of the couch, stretching the muscles in my neck that were sore from sleeping in a cramped position all night.

I stood and moved toward the kitchen counter.

“You’re awake,” Hanna observed.

“We must have fallen asleep on the couch,” I said, unsure how she would react.

Hanna smiled. “Yeah, when I realized it, I moved to my bed.”

The words, You didn’t have to, and I enjoyed sleeping with you in my arms, got stuck in my throat. I couldn’t admit any of that out loud yet. I had a plan, and I needed to stick with it.

I didn’t have an impulsive bone in my body, which drove my brothers crazy over the years. But it had served me well. Patience was key to this plan, and I had that in spades. I’d waited this long to tell her how I felt; I could wait a few more days.

“I cooked eggs.” Hanna transferred the fried eggs from the pan to two plates that were garnished with cut-up strawberries and avocados.

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