Page 43 of Trusting Forever

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Eventually, Mom told us she had hot chocolate and cookies, and we took a break in the house.

“You have plans for the rest of the day?” Lori asked Hanna.

“I need to bake some cookies,” Hanna said, and Ember nodded eagerly. “Then I heard something about a nighttime snowmobile run.”

“After the kids are in bed,” Heath said.

Knox and Sarah would stay with Addy and Ember so I could have some time alone with Hanna. I wasn’t sure if Knox had told Sarah of my plan, but I was grateful he was taking Ember for the night.

When we went home, Hanna rolled the dough out on the counter, and Ember stood on a chair next to her, eager to help.

I excused myself to hang the extra lights on the deck. I had a feeling these would be a year-round decoration once the girls saw them. I chose white like the lights that hung on the paths around the property.

The lights had been a signature look for the farm over the years, giving it a year-round cozy quality. Everyone enjoyed them, even though Heath and Emmett originally hung them for my mom after my dad died.

I finished before the girls, since they were making multiple batches of cut-out cookies. By that time, Ember was ready for a break, so we set up in the living room with the TV to play a holiday movie. I enjoyed the lights on the deck, the decorated tree, the smell of baking cookies, and Hanna in my kitchen. It was the perfect day.

“This was the best day ever,” Ember said to me as she snuggled against my shoulder.

“I think so, too.” Then I called out to Hanna, “What should we do for dinner?”

“Lori offered to host dinner. Would you want to join them, or should we do our own thing?” Hanna asked from the kitchen.

“Own thing,” Ember said sleepily.

“Let’s stay in. We already had a busy day.” I wanted nothing more than to snuggle with my girls on the couch, but I’d promised Hanna a snowmobile ride, and I couldn’t wait to see her reaction.

I texted Mom our plans, and she wished us a relaxing night.

Together, we whipped up a quick chicken stir-fry and ate at the table. Afterward, we watched TV until it was time for Ember to go to Knox’s house. I packed her a bag, and she perked up at the prospect of a sleepover.

When I returned, Hanna was ready in a snowsuit and winter gear.

“We don’t have to go out.” Although, the snow had stopped at six inches, and the wind had subsided. It was the perfect amount of snow for a ride.

Hanna was grinning widely, her eyes bright with anticipation. “I want to. I can’t believe I’ve never been.”

“I haven’t been in a while, since we’d been living in town.”

“Are you happy to be here now?” Hanna asked me as I pulled on my gear.

“Everything I’ve ever wanted is here.” The truth filled every crevice of my heart.

If Hanna realized I was including her in my comment, she didn’t let on. She waited patiently for me to get dressed, and then we headed outside to the snowmobiles. The guys had helped me get them off the trailer in the garage earlier in the day. I was ecstatic to finally get to use them.

“When we were teens, we had so much fun on these. Mom worried about us, but Dad knew we’d get into trouble whether they condoned the outing or not. He gave us the freedom to be us.” Even if I was more subdued than my brothers, I always had a good time. Dad usually said something to me about keeping my brothers in line. I wasn’t always successful, but I liked to think I had a calming effect on them.

“We’re just taking out one?” Hanna asked when I got one ready.

“Yeah, you can drive next time.” It was a selfish move on my part. I wanted her on the back of my snowmobile with her legs wrapped around me. It was also partly for safety. She needed to learn how to drive it before I’d let her go out on her own.

“That makes sense.”

I got on first and motioned for her to climb on behind me. Her hands rested tentatively on my waist until I pulled them tighter around my middle. That brought her front flush to my back.

Her legs tightened around me.

“Are you nervous?” I asked over my shoulder, the wind whipping my voice away.

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