Page 38 of Trusting Forever

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I flipped the pancakes so she wouldn’t see my expression. I was positive that my emotions were written clearly on my face. I just had to get through this week, and then I could put my plan into action.

“You honestly think you’ll meet the one?” I asked, my voice shaking. I hoped she didn’t notice.

Hanna shrugged. “Sure. Why not?”

I didn’t have a response for that. “I’m just not sure what kind of guy would respond to a call for a bachelorette auction.”

“I think it would be someone who was serious about finding someone special. Not someone looking for a good time. He has to pay money to take me on the date. And that’s before we’ve had a chance to meet and talk. It’s a risk.”

That’s what I was afraid of. These guys would be serious about a relationship. Someone playing the field wouldn’t want to spend a lot of money or take the time to woo a woman. I just hoped none of them were as determined to be with Hanna as I was.

It was going to be a long week, and I wasn’t sure I’d survive it.



We ate breakfast at the table, then bundled up to go outside. From what I could see, flakes had been coming down at an angle. I was excited in a way I hadn’t been in a long time. When was the last time I got excited by the prospect of snow?

When we opened the door, we were hit with a gust of wind.

“They said there’d be drifting. It will make clearing the lane difficult.”

Hanna touched my arm through the thick layer of my jacket. “I wouldn’t worry about it too much. The storm will end, and you’ll have time to do whatever you need to do.”

I rubbed my hands together. “What should we do first? A snowman or sledding?”

“A snowman!” Ember exclaimed, so I tested the snow in my hands, packed a snowball, and then threw one in Hanna’s direction. I was careful to aim lower so it wouldn’t explode in her face.

“Hey!” Hanna yelled as she reached for the snow and packed her own snowball. “Come on, Ember. Let’s get him.”

Ember giggled. “Snowball fight.”

I ducked behind a tree and quickly built a small arsenal of balls. I just hoped my brothers didn’t show up. They took snowball fights too seriously, and someone usually ended up getting hit in the face multiple times. I peeked out from behind the tree to see the girls building a fort.

I lobbed a snowball over it to see if they were ready to engage. They ducked down, and I heard giggling. I smiled, my chest full. I couldn’t think of a better way to spend the morning.

I let a second one fly, but this time, they reared up and let a ton of snowballs fly in quick succession. I bit off a curse as I dove back behind the tree. I waited for the deluge to slow, then threw a few balls back at them.

Each time, there were giggles. It made my heart feel light, as if anything were possible. There was no way a stranger could walk into Hanna’s life and claim her heart. Not when I’d had my stake in it since we were teens.

Hanna was mine. I just had to show her.

Lost in my thoughts, I didn’t realize they were sneaking up on me until it was too late. They were a few feet away when they let their balls fly. I covered my face and tried to move away from them. But they followed.

I reached for them with one hand shielding my face. They were laughing so hard they were stumbling in the snow. I was able to easily hook Hanna’s shoulders and pull her into my body. I reached for Ember, but she darted away.

Then I was falling to my side, taking the brunt of the fall as Hanna landed on top of me. I quickly moved so that she was underneath me and I was straddling her. I’d pulled her wrists together over her head and anchored them there.

Her chest was heaving and her cheeks rosy as I gazed down at her. I’d never seen anyone more beautiful. The blue jacket brought out the hue of her eyes, and this close, I saw flecks of yellow.

“What are you going to do to me?” Hanna asked.

It might have been an innocent question, but my dick had taken it in an entirely different direction. With the object of my desire underneath me, it had one objective in mind, plowing into her and not the snow.

I moved to let go of her hands when I was struck with a snowball on the side of my face.

“Let her go.”

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