Page 39 of Trusting Forever

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I released my hold on Hanna and stood, needing to get to my arsenal of snowballs, but Ember was standing over them, throwing them at us.

Hanna raised a hand to protect her face. “Hey! You’re supposed to be on my team.”

I reached for her, and she placed her hand in mine while we ran away from Ember, rounding the house and hiding behind the side of the deck. I pulled her into my arms.

Hanna’s eyes were wide. “Do you think she’ll find us?”

I chuckled. “Oh, yeah. This is her favorite hiding spot when we’re playing hide-and-seek.”

Hanna shot me an incredulous look. “Then why are we here?”

In that moment, I couldn’t register anything but the redness of her lips, that the lower one was fuller than the top, and how I wanted to nibble on it.

Hanna’s gaze searched my face. “Seb. What are you doing?”

Seb. Only my brothers called me that. I could count on my hand the number of times that Hanna had. It came out soft and pleading, and my dick was standing at attention, ready to do her bidding.

“Found you!” Ember declared, and we stiffened.

But Ember wasn’t holding anything. “Are you ready to make that snowman? I’m cold.”

Hanna stood first and pulled her hair out of her hood, brushing the ice off her neck. I felt like a bad parent for not considering that snowball fights were cold and messy.

“That was fun,” Ember said with a smile for both of us.

Hanna smiled. “It sure was.”

When Hanna was done cleaning her off, Ember said, “It’s more fun when Hanna’s here.”

That sent a pang to my heart. I wanted Ember to like Hanna, but what if Hanna liked someone else? What if she made her own family and left us? I wouldn’t be able to withstand the pain. I brushed away the melancholy thoughts and grinned. “I think so, too.”

“You two are good for my ego,” Hanna said as she brushed off her butt and led the way around the house to the front.

“Because we selfishly love having you live with us?” I teased her, bumping her shoulder with mine.

Hanna laughed, and the sound was a balm to my soul. If Hanna was happy, I was, too. I wondered if I would be if she found another man that she could love. I’d like to say I would support her, but I wasn’t sure I was capable of that.

I packed the snow carefully before rolling it. With Ember’s and Hanna’s encouragement, we got the size just right and then placed it in front of the porch, where anyone driving up could see it.

This time, Ember helped me with the second one, and I told her how to get the snow packed just right. Then I helped her place the smaller ball on top of the base. Then the head.

“We need a hat, a scarf, and a nose.” Ember ran inside, leaving us alone.

“This is fun,” Hanna said.

“I can’t remember a better morning.” Waking up to Hanna, pancakes, the snowball fight, and now this.

Hanna raised her face so that the breeze caught the ends of her hair and lifted it. “Being on the farm is magical. I can let all the worries about my job go when I’m here. There’s no noise or other people. It’s just us.”

“And my large family.”

“Yeah, but they don’t intrude. Does your mom ever show up at your house because she lives so close?”

“Not since I’ve lived here, but she’s always promised she’d give us privacy if we built a cabin here. We can go to the main house if we want to visit. Of course, she makes that enticing with the food she always has on hand. I just wish my dad were still here to enjoy us all living together again.”

“Your family is special. Not many would all move home to take care of their mother.”

I laughed, feeling a little uncomfortable. “I wouldn’t say that.”

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