Page 21 of Sprite

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“She’ll shoot you,” Savage growled.

“I don’t give a fuck about me,” Chains barked. “If that bitch hurts Sprite or our baby, I might as well be dead. Let me do this Savage,” he insisted. Savage nodded and started for the back of the diner.

“Good luck, man,” he shouted over his shoulder to Chains.

“You too,” Chains breathed. He waited for Savage to round the corner and slip into the back of the diner before he went for the front door, hoping that would give him a fighting chance. He felt Sprite’s eyes on him as soon as he walked through the front door. He could feel her fear and he hated that her mother was doing this to her.

“You can’t be here,” Sprite almost whispered.

“Oh, I see that the white knight has come to rescue you,” her mother said, yanking her back by the hair. “Well, you’re too late. My daughter has caused me enough trouble and I’m going to end her reign of terror.”

“Sprite hasn’t done anything to you. She told you what Jake did to her, and you refused to believe her. You’re the one who should be punished. You killed Jake and tried to pin it on me,” he said.

Her mother’s gasp filled the room, and he could tell the second that she realized that Sprite was wearing a wire. “You have on a wire, don’t you?” her mother asked. “How else would your boyfriend know that I killed Jake? How could you do this to me?” Chains couldn’t believe the nerve of Sprite’s mother asking her such a question.

Sprite barked out her laugh. “I didn’t do anything to you, Mother. You did this to yourself. You need to put the gun down and face facts. Too many people just heard you confess to me that you killed your boyfriend.” Chains saw Savage moving out of the corner of his eye and he knew that time was limited. Sooner or later, the cops were going to show up and then, all hell would break loose. He didn’t want his woman caught in the crossfire when the shit hit the fan.

“It’s over,” Chains said. “We have your full confession and there is no way out now. Just let her go, and you can walk out of here. Or you can stand here and stick around for the cops to show up and we can do this the hard way,” he said.

Her smile was mean as she told him that she liked doing things the hard way. That’s when everything around him seemed to start moving in slow motion. She pushed Sprite at him, and he caught her, spinning around and putting himself between her and her mother’s gun. Before he knew what was happening, he heard the gunshot before he could feel the piercing pain on his left side.

“Chains,” Sprite shouted as he hit the floor. She was leaning over him, and he wanted to tell her to get down, but couldn’t seem to get the words to come out of his mouth.

Savage stormed into the diner and had Sprite’s mother on the floor before she could get off another shot. Chains let out a breath that he didn’t know he was holding, knowing that his woman was safe. He knew that Bowie and Savage would take care of her even if he couldn’t and that last thought gave him peace as the world went dark around him. The last thing he heard was Sprite begging him not to leave her and he didn’t want to, but telling her that wasn’t possible.


Sprite refused to leave Chains’ side as the EMTs loaded him into the ambulance. She insisted on going with him, and they allowed it once she told him that she was his wife. Sure, it was a little white lie, but she had no other choice.

Savage insisted that she ride to the hospital with Chains and that he’d make sure that the cops took her mother into custody and got the recording. She didn’t even give her mother a second glance. Sprite didn’t deserve the attention from her. As far as she was concerned, her mother was dead to her now. Her child would never know how evil his or her grandmother was, and that was just how Sprite wanted things.

Bowie promised to call Banshee to let her know what happened, and she thanked him. Everything seemed to slow down around her, and all Sprite wanted to do was keep her shit together for Chains. He needed her to be strong when all she wanted to do was fall completely apart.

When they got to the ER, she was asked to wait in the waiting room and when she turned the corner and found Banshee, Phoenix, and Danger sitting in the room, waiting for her, shecouldn’t help but break down. The Harlots surrounded her, and she had to admit, it was good to have friends who showed up when things got tough.

“How did you guys find out about Chains?” she asked, wiping her eyes on her sleeve.

“Savage called me, and I spread the word,” Banshee said. “Some of the other Harlots will be over later. Dallas and a few others have to find a babysitter.” Sprite thought about her child, rubbing her hand over her belly. She worried that her baby might not have the chance to know his or her father and she started crying all over again.

“Hey, what’s that about?” Danger asked.

“What if Chains doesn’t pull through this and my baby doesn’t ever get to meet him?” she asked. The three women looked at each other, seeming to not know what to say to her. She wouldn’t have known what to say either if the situation was reversed.

“You don’t have to answer that,” she whispered. “I’m just thinking about the worst case and it’s scaring the hell out of me.”

“I get it, but you can’t do that to yourself,” Banshee insisted. “Chains needs your strength now.”

Sprite barked out her laugh, “Yeah, I’m not feeling very strong right now, unfortunately.” She barely had the strength to stand on her own two feet at the moment. “I just need some news,” she said.

Savage and Bowie practically burst into the emergency waiting room and the four women looked at them as though they had lost their minds. “Did the cops get everything that they needed to put my mother away?” she asked Savage.

“They did,” he said. “She made a full confession knowing that you had already recorded her saying that she had killed Jake. It’s over now,” he assured. “There will be no long, drawn-out court case or anything like that. Her confession will speed up theprocess. You won’t even have to be in the courtroom if you don’t want to be.”

She shivered at the thought of being in the same room with her mother ever again. “I won’t be going to the courtroom. I’m done with her. I just need for Chains to be all right and then, we can start our lives together—this time without the threat of him going away to prison hanging over us.”

“That will happen,” Phoenix promised, wrapping her arm around Sprite’s shoulder. “You’ll see, Chains will be okay.”

“How can you know that?” Sprite asked. “What if he’s not okay?”

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