Page 16 of Sprite

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Chains got up and crossed the kitchen to where she stood. He wrapped his arms around her, and she felt safe for the first time since she walked into the kitchen. “I am innocent,” he assured, “but the cops won’t just take my word for it. I’ll have to let them work through the process and figure out that I didn’t kill Jake.”

Savage barked out his laugh, “You are putting a whole lot of trust in the police in the area. Maybe you should come up with plan B,” he said.

“How about leaving town for a while?” Bowie asked.

“No,” Chains growled. “We haven’t shared this news yet, but Sprite and I are going to have a baby.”

“Chains,” she shouted, slapping at his chest. She didn’t want to tell a whole lot of people that she was expecting until she started to show. She had sworn Banshee, Danger, and Phoenix to secrecy. She just wanted to keep the baby a secret that she and Chains could share. And she certainly didn’t want anyone at the bar treating her differently because she was pregnant, and now, she was sure that Savage and Bowie would do just that.

“That was private news, and I wanted to be the one to tell my bosses about the baby when the time is right. I hope that you don’t hold my pregnancy against me. I want to work at both of my jobs until I can’t work anymore,” she insisted.

“Why do you have to work both jobs?” Chains asked.

“Because I want to buy my own place and I can’t do that without working both jobs,” she explained.

“Now that we’re having a kid, I thought you could just move in here with me. The house is big enough for a growing family,” he said. Sprite really hadn’t thought much about where she was going to live. All she knew was that when the baby came, she wanted to be settled. She and Chains hadn’t discussed what came next in their relationship. Hell, they had only been together for about three months now—how could he be thinking about moving her into his place so soon?

“You can’t be serious, Chains,” she said. “We’ve only been together for three months now. It’s too soon for us to be talking about moving in together.”

“I don’t give a fuck about how long we’ve been together, or any of that other shit. You’re having my baby and that makes usa family now,” he said. “I know that might scare the shit out of you, but it doesn’t me. I’ve wanted this since the night that I first saw you working at the bar, honey.”

“That’s very sweet,” she whispered, looking over to find Savage and Bowie watching them, “but can we talk about this later, when we’re alone?” she asked.

“Sure,” Chains agreed, giving her a quick kiss.

“So, what’s it going to be?” Bowie asked. “You going to lay low or are you going to stick around here and wait for the cops to knock on your door? It shouldn’t be too long now before they show up here asking you a shit ton of questions.”

“I say that we lay low until we can figure out what’s going on and who killed Jake,” Sprite insisted. Chains had taken such good care of her over the past months, that she couldn’t imagine going through her pregnancy without him. When she was sick every morning, he held back her hair. And when she had a crazy craving, he’d run out and pick her up whatever it was that she wanted. She loved Chains, and it didn’t matter that she hadn’t been able to tell him that—it was the truth. She needed time to figure out what she wanted and then she’d find the nerve to tell him how she felt.

Chains looked her over and nodded. “If that’s what you want, that’s what we’ll do,” he agreed.

“Thank you,” Sprite whispered.

“Great, pack a bag, and let’s head out,” Savage ordered. “I’ve got a place you can stay about an hour out of town,” he said. “You’ll still have your job at the bar, if you want it, Sprite.”

“What about your job at the accounting firm?” Bowie asked. “Will they hold your job for you?”

She nodded, “They have been letting me work from home. I told them that I’m pregnant and that the doctor wants me on bed rest.”

That little white lie was Chains’ idea after Jake showed up at her office and threatened her. He said that he didn’t want to risk her or their baby, and she had to agree that her run-in with Jake wasn’t a pleasant one. She couldn’t expect Bowie to spend every day babysitting her at work. And she refused to allow Chains to take off either.

“She gets to work from home for as long as she needs. So, if this safehouse has Wi-Fi, we’ll be fine,” Chains insisted.

“Great,” Savage said, “you are leaving in about ten minutes, so get a move on.”

“Thank you for doing this for us, Savage,” Chains said. Sprite didn’t miss the way that he stressed the word, “Us” and she had to admit that she kind of liked it.

“We’re brothers, and that makes us family,” Savage said, “and the Royal Bastards always do whatever we can to take care of our family.”

“Speaking of family,” Bowie said, “Banshee is pissed that you haven’t been in touch, Sprite.” She hadn’t been back to the clubhouse in a while now, and she had to admit she really missed the girls. They were her family and not being able to share anything with them was killing her. She worried that if she showed up at Savage Hell, Jake would show up and harass her there. Sprite also worried that if she told any of the other women what was going on with her, Jake might start poking around the bar, asking questions. If the other Harlots didn’t know what was going on with her, they’d have nothing to tell Jake, and that was just how she wanted things.

“If you wouldn’t mind filling Banshee in about us leaving town for a bit, I’d appreciate it. She, Danger, and Phoenix all know about the baby but, I just didn’t want Jake finding out where I was or that I’m pregnant, so I didn’t tell the rest of the club anything,” she admitted. “I feel awful for shutting them out, but I had no idea what to do.”

“I’ll let Banshee know what’s going on,” Savage promised. “But when you get settled, you should give her a call yourself. I’m sure that we can get you a burner phone so it can’t be traced.”

“That would be great, Savage,” she said. “I appreciate that. She’s going to be pissed that I went on the run with Chains and didn’t fill her in from the beginning.” She was sure that Banshee was going to be upset that she didn’t reach out to the Harlots when she found herself in trouble. But a new baby in the club would help forgive part of her indiscretion.

“Sure,” Savage agreed, “I’m pretty sure that she’ll feel better if you call her and fill her in on everything when you get settled. She’ll want to hear your voice. You know how she worries.”

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