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No one got back to me, but I wasn’t expecting them to as yet. Why would they when they all had their own things going on? The irritation continued to roll through me, though. Robertfinallygot his shit together and he left. He made sure that I heard him grumbling the whole time, though, even though I obviously didn’t care. He could focus on money and investors if that was what he wanted his life to be, but human life would always be way more important to me. I couldn’t imagine living life any other way.

But the drama didn’t end there. Almost as soon as I got rid of Robert, another face appeared. Only this one was much more determined and I wasn’t sure I would be able to get rid of her so easily. Especially since the sight of her had my mouth running dry.

“Arya?” I asked as I stepped closer to her. I hadn’t mentioned her to anyone because I didn’t want any of the guys to pick up on the fact that I’d noticed her. But ofcourseI’d noticed her. She was exactly my type, blonde, beautiful, and with a smile to die for. “What are you doing here? You know there is a threat, don’t you?”

She narrowed her eyes at me and pursed her lips. “Yeah, I know. But when my boss sends me to get something I don’t have any choice in the matter. That’s what being a personal assistant is. I don’t think I’ll get into any trouble while I’m here.”

Oh great, so now she was winding me up. That was just freaking perfect, wasn’t it? Just what I needed to hear. My fists curled up by my sides as irritation really clung to me. This was a serious threat that we had going on here. We weren’t messing around. Why couldn’t anyone seem to take this as seriously as we were?

“Do you lot not understand that your lives are in danger here?” I spat out angrily. Not just at Arya, but at Sarah as well for sending her here when she really didn’t need to be. And at Robert as well because he was shady as fuck and I just had to let him go. “Is anyone going to actually help us look out for you? Because you lot are making our jobs very difficult.”

I sighed heavily as Arya’s eyes flashed. Of course she didn’t really care about what I was saying. Why would she? She had Sarah going on at her, telling her to do silly little tasks that were likely way beneath her, just so she could keep her job. The world really did revolve around money, especially for these Hollywood people.

“What is it that’s so important you have to be here?” I snapped once more. I honestly couldn’t keep the irritation from my voice however hard I tried.

“Sarah’s handbag. It has all her personal stuff in,” she replied with a blasé one-shouldered shrug. “I’m sure it’s important or she wouldn’t have sent me. I have you here watching over me anyway, so whatever the threat is, I will be fine.”

With a playful slap on my arm, she sashayed past me as if that was the end of the conversation. I was absolutely gobsmacked to feel it. But not just because it was cheeky…but because the mere graze of her hand against my skin was enough to ignite something I didn’t even know had been lying dormant inside of me. She unleashed an animalistic and overwhelming desire that was challenging to resist.

I span around, watching her move effortlessly through the building like she held on to no fears whatsoever. It didn’t even occur to her that we were getting bomb threats every single day, and that one of those threats could have come from someone as dangerous as Victor. Because we didn’t even totally know how dangerous that wolf was. Spike was very open about how power hungry and violent Victor was, just like his father before him, but we couldn’t be certain how far any of them would go.

But without knowing a single thing about Victor, or the online threats, I suppose I could understand why Arya was behaving like none of this was an issue. I was quite sure that if she had any idea, then everything might be a whole lot different. I couldn’t explain it to her though, because Spike didn’t want everyone to be terrified and making silly rash decisions.

“So, do you really think that we are in trouble?” Arya asked casually as she went to grab Sarah’s bag. “Because it’s hard to tell. I don’t know anything.”

“The potential for trouble is very real,” I warned cautiously. “Admittedly, we don’t have all the details at the moment either, but I know that there is something.”

“That’s all I keep getting told.We don’t know, we don’t know. Then you expect everyone to take it seriously and basically sit in their rooms in lock down. It sucks. If you aren’t careful, you will have a bunch of angry divas on your case. Some of them wolves.”

Again this annoyed me, because we weren’t doing this for our own benefit. But the part about other wolves was actually something that I hadn’t considered much until now. A lot of the actors were wolves which was why this project would work so well. But if something bad was going on with a wolf pack, that could cause a big drama for everyone. I didn’t know much about the wolf packs that the people involved in the movie were a part of, but that might be something else that we needed to research. Just to make sure that we were all on the same page as one another and no one was about to go rogue.

“Anyway, I think I’m done here. I don’t think there is anything else I need so…” She shot me an award-winning smile that made my heart leap up into my throat. “It doesn’t look like the danger came for me after all, did it? Thank you for protecting me.” She winked, getting me all riled up in so many different ways. “Much appreciated, of course. You did a great job.”

I wasn’t quite sure what possessed me to act out. I had no real explanation for what I did, but I stood in the doorway, making sure I filled the whole thing up to block Arya from leaving. I knew that I had just said how fast I wanted her out of here, a bit like Robert. In fact, more so because my desire to keep Arya safe was much more prominent.

Yet I stood in her way and wouldn’t let her go. Probably because I was too anxious to do so. I was very nervous about letting her out of here and never getting this chance to be alone with her again. This wasnotlike me at all, I never behaved like this, but then I was never normally standing in front of a woman who made me feel so many things all at once. It was too much for me to handle. All I wanted to do was grab her.

“You good?” Arya asked me as her eyes slid curiously up my body. The world stopped spinning the moment her gaze met mine and our eyes locked in on one another. I just couldn’t believe it. It was absolutely insane. The worst part was I couldn’t even answer her because I wasn’t sure what to say. How could I explain what I was doing?

But she didn’t seem to mind. Instead of edging away and looking at me like I was being a freak, which I knew I was, she moved closer and rose up onto her tiptoes to stare at me. The intensity of her gaze had me gulping audibly. Did she know how rare this was? No one ever made me feel all wild and unhinged like this. This was a moment where it seemed like absolutely anything could happen…

“Mickey, right?” she whispered, the sound of my name utterly seductive on her tongue. “It’s good to finally get to speak to you, Mickey. I’ve seen you from afar and wanted to get a moment alone with you.”

The hooded desire flooding her eyes absolutely burned in my chest. She knew it, Arya knew just as well as I did that there was something there between us. Some kind of magnetic connection that I couldn’t ignore. What if this was one of thoseFated Matesthings that Brock often talked about? Although I always thought that my fated mate, if one was out there and the whole concept actually existed, would be another wolf. It was a little surprising to me, to feel so intensely for a human. Although I wasn’t sure exactly why…

Arya shocked the air out of my lungs completely by touching my shoulder. It was just a simple graze, but because I was already on the edge, imagining her as my one true love, my dream woman, my fated mate or whatever I wanted to call her, this little touch alone had my cock twitching with desire. The ache within me to take advantage of us being alone by grabbing her and fucking her brains out up on the counter was damn near controlling me. I only didn’t follow through with it because I knew for sure that doing something rash wasn’t going to be helpful for anyone. Least of all me.

But Arya knew it. An adorable pink blush stained her cheeks as she spotted the intense effect that she’d had on my body. I stepped to one side, because it was the only move I had left, and I let her slip by me, but she darted her eyes over her shoulder a couple of times to make eye contact with me as she went. That sizzle remained. I could feel it still trickling through my veins even as she vanished from sight.

I was definitely in trouble here, no doubt about it. What was I going to do if it turned out that Arya was my fated mate? Especially when I was pretty sure that I wasn’t the only one with my eyes on her…



Oh my God…

I could not believe what had just happened. I was amess. Did Mickey really just react that way to me? Like, his whole body was set on fire just because I was near him. The way his erection showed through his trousers as well had me shuddering with delight.
