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As if I neededanythingto get me in more trouble than I was already in. Seriously, what a joke. I had Spike on my mind, and in my inbox,all the time.But I hadn’t managed to shake off Brock either. The way he made me feel when we kissed was still surging through my veins, making me feel phenomenal. He had started to feature alotin my sexy dreams and fantasies. Both the men had. I might not have ever been wild enough to engage in a threesome before, but in my head, it was happening all the damn time with Brock and Spike.

But I didn’t expect to get all excited over Mickey too. This was almost too much. Okay, so not for them. I knew it was far more common for wolves to engage in polyamorous relationships, and even reverse harems. But I just never saw myself in that position. Ilovedthe pack mentality of wolves and I always thought that they were really cool, but this…I didn’t know if this was something that I could do. Even if I wanted to.

But did it matter? Not really since we would only be in Rockport for a short time anyway. We would be back on the road again soon, and even if I did find myself at a crossroads in my life, I wasn’t sure what I was going to do next. I didn’t really have anything here to stay for, did I? Not when I insisted on making it so complicated and messy all the time.

I wished that I could call Carrie, to see her and maybe even get some advice from her since she was cool and not judgy at all. But the crew were in meetings all day long, every single one of them, trying to work out how we could getReviveup and running again. The sooner we got things moving, the better for everyone involved.

Most of all, Sarah needed to get back to work because boredom didn’t suit her. I hadn’t ever experienced her without much to do. We were usually so busy all the time, but now I could see why. She didn’t do laziness. It was almost too much for her to handle.

I hoped that taking her bag back to her might entertain her a little. At least then she would have other things to focus on. Something to distract her from nothingness. She didn’t even need to keep rehearsing the lines because she knew them so well by heart. If anything, the script was just getting on her nerves because she kept wanting to change the lines…

A part of me wanted to confide my personal life drama to her, because if anyone would know what it was like to have three gorgeous guys all showing her attention at once, it was Sarah. She had it all day, every day. Talking it through and getting advice from her would be the sort of thing that would keep us entertained for days…

But I couldn’t handle the spotlight. I didn’t want my life to become the center of gossip and entertainment for her. This has never happened to me, and I wanted to keep it for myself. Plus, I wasn’t sure that Sarah would take the news too well. She seemed to think that any male attention was coming her way, even if this seemed to be obviously all for me.

“My bag!” Sarah yelled the moment she spotted me. “Thank you so much, Arya. You managed to get it for me!”

I smiled as I offered it to her. “You know, the security guy almost didn’t let me in to get this. I really think that they are so worried about whatever all of this is.”

Instead of listening to me and hearing what I had to say, Sarah rolled her eyes and scoffed derisively. “You know, they are definitely taking this too seriously. Anyone would think that they were in heat and looking for their fated mate.” She chuckled to herself. “Well, if they think they’ve found her, they couldn’t be more wrong. It’s never going to happen.”

My blood ran ice cold. What was she trying to say? That I couldn’t be destined to be with any of those guys because they were so gorgeous? Or because I wasn’t a wolf? But before I could respond, Sarah made it clear that she wasn’t talking about me for even a second.

“I have royal wolf blood.” Of course, she was talking about herself. Why would I ever assume otherwise? “I have expectations of the man I will end up marrying. It can’t just be some random wolf from Rockport. It can’t even be a random pack. They should know that.”

“Why don’t you tell them as much?” I asked, teasing her a little because I was pretty sure that as much as she thought she was the target of any of their affections, she wasn’t.

“Because they should know that already. It’s silly. I can’t believe they are evenlookingat me that way. They know wolf history, or at least they should, and they should know more about fated mates as well. There is so much more to it than mere animalistic desire.”

“There is?” I asked curiously, because even though I was aware that it probably wasn’t the best idea to find out, I justhadto know.

“Oh yeah, it’s like a feeling in the pit of your soul,” Sarah continued none the wiser as to what my real intentions were for asking for clarification. “You feel like you have found your place on the planet, and that there is nowhere else you would rather be because that is your person. The person that the world revolves around from that day on. It’s so much deeper than lust.”

I swallowed hard because I kinda felt a little bit of that with all three men in ways I couldn’t quite explain. They all gave me a sense that was deeper than lust, but I wasn’t sure if it was all that Sarah was explaining. Perhaps if I reallycouldbe with all of them…

No, I couldn’t be. That was just silly, wasn’t it? Even allowing my head to go down that route was absolutely ridiculous. Just because wolves sometimes had unusual seeming relationships, didn’t mean I was going to end up in that position…

Plus, it wasn’t just the three of them, was it? It’d be weird for me to even consider three men when they had a fourth member of their little crew. Although I didn’t know anything about the shyer one. Liam hadn’t been anywhere near me so I hadn’t even been given the chance to have a proper look at him, much less any kind of conversation. He definitely intrigued me, even more so now that I knew there was a spark with Mickey, but there had to be a reason that he was keeping his distance. I didn’t like to assume why, but I suppose I could speculate. A wife, maybe? Or perhaps he just didn’t like me. I might have even made him nervous, who the hell knew. But he was avoiding me, and there was nothing I could do about that. And would it even make it better if I could change things? It wasn’t like adding a fourth guy into my confusion would help. If anything, I needed fewer men in my life. Not more.

Sarah moaned in delight, like she was thinking about falling in love that deeply herself. I wondered what it truly meant for her, her royal lineage. She didn’t talk much about it, and I never wanted to press because it just wasn’t up to me to do so. If she wanted to open up to me, then so be it. But now wasn’t the time, she was lost in another realm entirely. I was in awe of her expression actually, because if she was thinking of someone, then this was true love. If there was no one on her mind, then she had to know what true love felt like, which intrigued me because I had no clue. I guess I always just thought I would know when the moment happened. It would spring on me and everything would make sense.

At least this was much better than her moaning at me and being bored. That was really starting to drive me crazy. I could really go for a bit of peace …

Welp, I thought that way too soon. Almost the moment I allowed myself to relax just a little bit, the hotel room door swung open, and a panic-stricken Brock practically fell right through it. My spine bolted upright the moment I saw the wild look on his face.

“I know you're a savage but weren't you taught how to knock?” Sarah teased, clearly not too worried about his expression. “Although I have to admit it’s nice to have a visit from you.”

She rose to her feet while giving me a playful look. She wiggled her eyebrows, silently telling me to watch what she was about to do. My whole body froze with nerves because I knew exactly what that look meant and where it would lead. This wasnotsomething that I wanted to be in the room for, because no one could resist Sarah’s charms.

“I have to talk to you both,” Brock declared, but Sarah quickly silenced him.

I tried my hardest to whip my eyes away, so I didn’t have to see the horror currently unfolding in front of me, but it was like staring at a terrible car accident. I couldn’t take my eyes off of them however hard I tried.

Sarah wrapped her arms tightly around him and dragged him closer to her. It happened so quickly that Brock didn’t even get a chance to react. Not until her lips had crashed against his and the tight knot of jealousy in the pit of my stomach hurt so much I knew without a doubt that it could explode at any given moment. I actually bent double with the pain, but still couldn’t take my gaze away from the horrors unfolding right in front of my very eyes.

“I don’t have time for this,” Brock growled as he pushed Sarah off. “I’m actually here to tell you something. Please, Sarah, step back.”

Her cheeks reddened. She was embarrassed, but more than that, she was utterly furious. I was so in touch with her energy that I could feel the unbridled rage rolling through the room. A vicious snarl rolled out of her mouth because she wasnotused to being rejected. Ever. I actually couldn’t think of one time in all the years that I had been working for her, when she didn’t get the man that she wanted. What the hell was going to happen next?
