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He had a very serious expression on his face as he typed in his digits. This was a whole lot different to when I got Spike’s number. There was a new passion shining between us. But I was just as grateful to have a way to communicate with him, to reach out if I needed to, and to maybe pick this up where I left off…if that was what I ended up wanting.

God damn it. I was more confused than ever before. I truly didn’t know what the hell to do with myself. As much as I wanted to fling myself into Brock’s arms and to beg him to never let me go for the rest of his life, I knew I wouldn’t be able to cope without holding Spike again either. Rockport was only a small town. How had I managed to find two guys here who really interested me? Who made me want to throw everything away?

As I finally climbed out of the car, I knew that my head was going to be scrambled all day long. I was going to be stuck between a rock and a hard place, wondering which way to turn. It was probably for the best that I wouldn’t be here forever because I was pretty sure that the more time I spent in this town, the deeper in trouble I would get myself into.

I glanced back as I headed inside and caught Brock staring at me, devouring me with his gaze once more. The thick lump filled my throat and made me all super emotional as I made my way into the hotel. The quicker I got myself locked away in my hotel room where I could sort my head out, the better. Some distance might be the best thing for me. For all of us.



The early morning sunshine crept through the clouds as I snuck around the movie set, trying to see what had me so on edge.Somethingwas happening here, I knew that much. This wasn’t paranoia, it was never paranoia, but today more than ever I had a weird sensation creeping down my spine. Whatever Victor was planning, we would find out soon enough.

I was grateful actually, that Liam had been taking me seriously the whole time. Spike and Brock were humoring me, sure, but they weren’t too concerned about the shit being peddled on social media. Even when I tried to tell them that it hit me differently.

Victor was behind at least some of that, I knew it now. As soon as Liam mentioned that he had come across the alpha of Spike’s old pack, sounding like he was threatening Robert, I sensed that it was all linked, and once I was done with patrol here and Brock came to take over, I was going to find a way to prove it.

Liam was at the hotel right now, as Spike and Brock slept, but soon we would swap places. Yeah I was a little tired and could use the rest, but that wasn’t going to be my main focus. Finding out exactly what Victor wanted was what I had to do. I actually thought that intimidating Robert until he spilled the beans would be the best option for us, but Spike had vetoed that plan. He wanted to leave that as a last resort and I had to respect that.

But if anything happened and I had to kick Robert’s ass, then I would. No hesitation.

I did another circle of the building in my wolf form, using my top notch eyes to see what others couldn’t. While I had afeelingthat something weird was happening, I couldn’t see it. It was utterly frustrating, because I didn’t like the anticipation more than anything else, but I suppose all that meant was that we had to keep on waiting.

I shifted back in the corner of the room where I had hidden my clothing, and dressed up, dejected and irritated. What the hell was Victor playing at? Why was he doing thisnow? I knew that Liam was convinced that it was linked to Spike somehow, but I didn’t think so. Sure, that made it one hell of a coincidence, but I was pretty sure that there was something more going on. Something else. There was a bigger picture here that we just couldn’t quite see yet. The best theory that I had was that it was all linked to one of the celebrities on set. Perhaps Sarah Billingham. She was the biggest name they had. Plus, women always got the online vitriol way worse than the men, it had to be pretty terrifying for her.

But frustratingly, nothing had happened yet. I wanted it to occur now so I could shut this shit down and everyone could get back to work. I didn’t want to risk any lives. I’d seen too many lives lost in my lifetime. I couldn’t stomach another…

Bang!What the hell was that? My ears pricked up as the sound ricocheted through the whole building, making my chest hurt. It was here, it was happening now. I was the only person supposed to be in this building right now, so if there was anyone else around…

Fuck. I grabbed my gun as the anticipation hit a fever pitch. This was it. I crept on my tiptoes through the building to see where the noise was coming from. Because it was so empty and echoey, and the place had fallen silent now, it was challenging to work out where I really needed to be worried about. The danger could have been coming from anywhere.

Bang!There it was again. Thank God, because this time I could trace it easily. It was coming from Robert’s office. Was he the target? No, probably not because Liam was convinced that Robert was being threatened or coerced by Victor. So he was maybe in trouble.

Still, I slammed my boot into the door hard to burst the lock and let it swing open.

“Argh!” Robert screamed in sheer terror while flinging his arms into the air in a surrendering gesture. I held the gun up higher to let him, and whoever else was in the room, know that I wasn’t fucking around. “Oh my God, Mickey. The security guy. What are you doing? You scared me half to death then. I could throw up! Why did you do that to me?”

I narrowed my eyes at him. “What the hell are you doing here? The set is closed.”

Robert dropped his arms and rolled his eyes. “Oh for goodness sake. I know that Spike has shut down the set, but that doesn’t mean the movie ends. I still have things that I need to do. It’s bad enough my schedule has been completely upended by you guys. I don’t want to get even more behind. Do you know how many investors are involved inRevive?If things don’t go according to plan then they could pull out and fuck me over completely.”

Now it was my turn to roll my eyes. “I know that the world has this obsession revolving around money, but sometimes I personally believe that people’s lives are more important.”

Robert said nothing, but went back to the paperwork sitting on his desk. I slipped my gun back into its holster because this wasn’t a threat, just a man who didn’t know how to listen to the rules set out for him to try and keep him alive. Idiot.

“What is it that you need so badly, Robert?” I asked with a warning lacing my tone. “Because if there is a real risk here, then you don’t want to be on the wrong end of it.”

I wanted to bring up Victor so badly. A part of me knew that this was going to be my very best chance to interrogate him. But I had Spike’s warning in the back of my brain telling me not to push him too far or we might end up with nothing. It sucked, but I had to do the right thing. I needed to do what was right by my team.

I gritted my teeth together angrily, wishing that I didn’t have so many God damn questions flooding my brain, begging me to scream at him. I couldn’t, and I wouldn’t. There was a reason that me and the guys worked so well together as a team and I wouldn’t fuck that up now.

“You need to do any work you have at the hotel, Robert. Because the security team there are watching people. Here I am watching the set to see if there is anything to be concerned about. I’m not looking out for you, so you don’t want to be here.”

He tutted and huffed, letting me see that he wasn’t impressed, as if I needed to be worried about that as well as everything else. I was already suspicious of him, just because I couldn’t see any connection between himself and Victor that wasn’t nefarious, so this was making it worse. He could get as annoyed as he wanted, as long as he got out of here.

“You don’t think this is a bit stupid?” he barked as he gathered up his things. “You watching over me like I’m a criminal? I’m not doing anything wrong. I’m just trying to get this movie filmed before I end up in trouble, and everyone else does too.”

I let him rant because I wasn’t bothered about what he had to say. He wasn’t going to offend me with all this shit. If he needed to get it out of his system, then so be it. I waited impatiently, firing off a group text to the other guys so they knew that we had to be much more careful when it came to Robert. I knew that we couldn’t interrogate him, but we were going to have to keep one hell of an eye on him. We needed to know what he was up to at all times.

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