Page 78 of A Bullet Between Us

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The door was ripped open with Ilias’ searching eyes. “Wait, what are you doing? You are not going to show me?” His hands waved at the dress I kept from touching the floor.


“Just like that.”

“Uh-huh.” I shrugged. He could wait until I could put the heels on and fixed my hair to my vision. Today was not that day. “I’ll make sure not to ruin it, and I’ll find a way to make sure I pay her for letting me rent it.”

“Rent it?”

My eyes widen. “I can’t let Lucca or her pay for it.”

“Lucca?” He laughed. “I’m not poor, you know.”

I laughed. “I never thought you were.” Not with the house he owned or the polished car he drove. Then it hit me. “Thank you.”

“Thankful enough to show it to me?” he baited.

“Nice try.”

We need to talk, Ilias had said.

He wouldn’t specify, and I hated each minute we walked in silence around the outskirts of Lucca's place. We’d left through the back door, while madness continued to brew inside the home as the staff prepared and guided contractors for the last day before the charity event.

My anxiety was already crawling through my veins like venom and spreading, knowing that within less than twenty-four hours, I would face Nightmare and Tattoo again. Lucca wasn’t the only one who didn’t trust, because as he held the power of both of our lives, it made me not trust him. Maybe we should’ve ran a long time ago. But it would’ve been stolen time, and Ilias would’ve never ran from unfinished business.

We came across a large man-made forest. Rows and rows of tall trees strategically planted to obscure the house from view.

“A bit much?” I murmured, when two guys in all black casually stood at the start of the tree lines.

“You’ll understand shortly,” Ilias snickered as we made our way around the forest.

The more I took in the pines, I found them odd to be in south Florida’s soil. But as a private dock and beach came to view, Ilias was right, I understood.

“People are surprised at how far a bullet can travel. Even a small caliber handgun bullet can travel for a mile, some up to more depending on many factors.” He turned back to the trees. “They don’t just hide his home, they protect it better than a fence would.” His body twisted, taking my hand and guiding me closer to the water.

My body calmed at the view. It wasn’t as open as a beach. It was a narrow inlet that I was sure connected to the rest of the ocean after a few minutes with a small sized boat. But it was private, and the sun reflected off the water, while under our feet, sand marked our steps.

“After you opened up about Martin and your mother, I thought you would appreciate this.”

Emotion welled inside, and I bit my teeth, trying to hold on to his thoughtful way of easing the darkness that continued to threaten.

“I love it, thank you.” I looked up, falling deeply into his eyes. Outside, his eyes always cleared and brightened with the light. That perfect color that I searched for every morning, Ilias had it. And I no longer needed to wait for the morning to find it.

My feet raised as my mouth searched for his lips. He didn’t hesitate to take them, and just like every kiss Ilias gave, it was never enough. His lips were smooth and tender, but they also toyed, and his tongue teased. Ilias held my face in his hands, and I lost myself in his lips.

A small breeze swept around us, and my lungs filled with his scent, taking away my senses. I tugged his shirt as he deepened our kiss.

Too soon, he pulled back, leaving only our heads connected as we slowed our breathing. Ilias kept his eyes on me. They were loudly shining in a deep and vast emotion of care.

My palm lifted to his cheek, and his scruff lightly pricked my skin, but I loved its feel. It always heightened the touch it left behind.

“Talk to me,” I whispered.

“I don’t think you’ll like what I have to say.”

“I can adjust.”

“What if you can’t?”
