Page 77 of A Bullet Between Us

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A queen want-to-be?

There was not one hair on her body that had class. It didn’t matter if she managed to pull off becoming a small well-known designer at her age, her attitude and ego would forever hold her back.

With a shrug, she walked away, clicking her heels and bouncing her hips more than necessary.

I brought the cart inside and shut the door.

Davina’s eyes were wide from the interaction, or was it the amount of clothes, shoes, and accessories that were piled in the cart?

“Who was that?”

Of course, it couldn’t be about the clothing.

“Honestly… no one.”

Her mouth twitched as she tried to contain a smile, but she couldn’t hold it, and she chuckled.

“Don’t tell me, her,” she pointed toward the closed door, “and,” her pointed finger moved to the floor.

Fuck if she wasn’t too intuitive.

“Then don’t ask.”

This made her lose it, and her laughter bounced round the room. It was contagious, and I joined her.


I’d tried on more than seven dresses. No one fit. Not in the way I wanted them to. Maybe I had the wrong idea that a dress could speak the way I wanted to be perceived as. The skimpy material wasn’t it. They reminded me how my body couldn’t fill in the curves, and how, even in high heels, they didn’t end where they were meant to. They reminded me of the amount of weight I’d lost over the past couple of months and all they have managed was to make myself look closer in the mirror to see all the things I didn’t have.

I hated it.

“Kroshka, just try one last one. If it doesn’t fit like I think it will, we’ll try again tomorrow.”

How could I say no to him?

I stuck my hand out the bathroom door, grabbed the dress, and closed it back.

“As if I haven’t seen and explored all of you,” Ilias muttered on the other side.

I smiled at images running through my head while I gazed down to the dress in my hands.

Immediately, I liked the color. It wasn’t bright like the previous ones, and it held a touch of darkness in its deep green hue. I slipped inside the dress, adjusted the back, buttoning one of the few buttons that met the low V, and took a look in the mirror.

It was stunning.

The front A-line complimented my shape perfectly, and with the off-shoulder style, it left my shoulder and neckline exposed. It was elegant, and it's back had a piece of danger.

It left my scar visible, but it was time I wore it proudly.

To show them I still walked among them.

This was it.

Unable to remove the smile from my face, I carefully took off the dress.

“Do you like it?” Ilias asked.

“It’s per—”
