Page 21 of A Forest Witch

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The dark haired one had big doe eyes that looked innocent and sweet but if you stared into them long enough you could spot the chaos circling in their dark depths. And she was very pregnant.

“Uh… hey.” the blonde greeted me with an awkward little hand wave.

The dark haired one shot her a look that screamed she wanted her friend to shut her mouth and do it right now. “Don’t pay any attention to her. She’s overrated, trust me on that. Her name’s Ariel and mine’s Isobel. You met her father and one of my men earlier. Rain. We’re both female witches, in case you couldn’t tell, and we’re very pleased to meet you.”

I frowned at this Isobel woman. Why in the world would I not be able to tell what she was? I had never met a person before that I couldn’t tell immediately whether they had magic or not and just how powerful they were.

I cocked my head to the side as I studied both her and the baby inside of her before speaking carefully. “I know she’s stronger than you are. Just like I also know the little girl growing inside of you is going to be stronger than she could ever dream of being. But I thought that was obvious.”

Ariel grew alert. “How do you know she’s having a girl?”

I shrugged. “I thought it was obvious because of what kind of magic she’s giving off. Can’t you feel it?”

Ariel shook her head. “No I can’t feel it and I’ve never heard of someone else being able to before.”

Isobel rested her hands over her protruding stomach. “I think you’re the strong one here. And, yes, she’s a girl. Harmony Rayne.”

I shrugged noncommittally. “That’s a beautiful name for a little girl. She’s going to be lucky to actually get to know her biological parents. I hope you keep her.”

They both looked horrified.

“Why wouldn't she get to know her biological parents?” Ariel asked me with a frown. “Do you not know yours? Where are they right now? Baby girl witches are special and almost like prized possessions in the witch community.”

Isobel snorted rudely. “Not necessarily. Look how well that worked out for you and I. It got you kidnapped and raised by an asshole. My family was murdered and I was tortured for fun by the Council. Shit, Ariel, the Council tried to fuck you up too but they made you a member instead.”

I had no idea what these girls were talking about but they seemed like they’d been through some horrible things.

They seemed nice enough, if a little insane.

But that didn’t mean I wanted to tell them everything about myself. Those weren’t things I was supposed to share and I had already shared too much with the guys who took me out of the woods and welcomed me into their home.

I didn’t think it would hurt to tell them something though. It seemed only fair because they had shared with me. “No, I’ve never met my parents. Or, if I have, they didn’t acknowledge me. We aren’t raised amongst our families in the forest. We’re one big community and the children aren’t raised with their parents. There are rules that are enforced that we all have to live by in order to remain amongst the community.”

I shrugged, suddenly uncomfortable with how they’re both staring at me. “Boys and girls aren’t any different, and the girls certainly aren’t any more special. That’s just how things work there.”

It was the only way of life that I knew.

They both looked at each other, somehow silently communicating, and I grew even more uncomfortable in their presence.

“Female witches are rare,” Ariel said in a gentle voice. “Every coven hopes to eventually get lucky enough to find the right one to join them. Some of them end up in bad places and the Council didn’t help any with that. But, really, most coven’s treat female witches like the truly rare gift that they are. If you stay here long enough you’ll see what I’m talking about because there’s no way Raven and his guys won’t treat you like a queen for however long you’re here for. And, I’d bet my life they offer to have you join their coven. Raven’s not a stupid man and he’s not going to let this opportunity pass him by without at least giving it his best shot.”

“You don’t have to, of course,” Isobel said in a rush. “Nobody expects anything from you and it’s your choice what you do with your life. You’ll have a place to stay whether it’s here or back home with us. We’ll make sure you’re well taken care of even if you choose to be on your own.”

Everything they said sounded like a dream to me. Then again, it all had since I’d woken up in this house.

Almost too good to be true. But wasn’t that how all dreams worked? Unless, of course, they were nightmares. Those seemed more like real life to me.

I looked away from them and out the window. My mind was on overload and I had too much going on in there to concentrate on anything else they said.

The big window behind them showed a beautiful backyard but that wasn’t what captured my attention. There was a strange building out there.

“What is that?” I asked as I pointed at it, hoping they’d understand what I was talking about.

They both turned curious eyes to where I was pointing out the window.

“That’s a greenhouse,” Ariel said, answering me.

A greenhouse.
