Page 22 of A Forest Witch

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I got excited at the thought of being able to experience one for myself. I loved plants and watching something grow from a tiny little seed into something else entirely if taken care of properly.

“You can go out there and have a look around,” Isobel told me in that gentle, kind voice of hers. “The guys gave you the run of the house.”

Except for their personal spaces, like their bedrooms. Which was completely understandable.

“Do you want us to go out there with you?” Ariel asked quietly.

I shook my head, no. What I really wanted was some time to myself to wrap my head around everything.

“Fair enough. Let’s get you some shoes for your feet and then you can go outside. We promised the guys we’d look after you but nobody needs a shadow twenty-four seven. Girl, you deserve to breathe a little.”

“Trust her, she would know,” Isobel said with a laugh.

I didn’t trust either of them.

Truly, they were the strangest females I had ever met in my whole life.

But I guessed they seemed nice enough.



My skin itched with the need to return home to make sure Autumn was safe and settling in.

I couldn’t and wouldn’t do that though. She wasn’t my female and I needed to remember that.

But my protective urges were kicking in strong and all I could see in my mind were her large gray eyes.

Jesus, fuck, but she was incredibly beautiful.

And it wasn’t just about her physical beauty either. Though, that was incredible all on it’s own because she was fucking gorgeous with her colorful hair and all of those tattoos covering her, marking her as different and dangerous.

She was so powerful magic practically oozed out of her pores and she didn’t even realize it.

I scrubbed my hands over my face in an attempt to evacuate her from my mind. It didn’t work, she was there, still lurking at the edges. Like I had a disturbing feeling she always would be.

We were so fucked it wasn’t even funny.

I didn’t like her being home alone with Ariel and Isobel. I knew she was safe enough but those two females were beyond insane and they bought trouble just by breathing.

Autumn didn’t need anymore trouble and I didn’t care that I didn’t know next to anything about her.

“This place gives me the fucking creeps,” Gunner muttered from his place behind the wheel.

“Bad vibes in the air,” Scout readily agreed.

“If it were a building I’d want to burn the whole thing down to the ground,” Mason cracked his knuckles angrily.

Liam just grunted as he stared out the window. He was here with us but his mind was going through all the information we’d been able to find about the tattoos that covered Autumn’s beautiful body.

I knew enough to know they were warnings to the world not to fuck with her. But we didn’t know much else. If Liam had figured anything else out he hadn’t shared it with the rest of us. But he would when he was ready.

You always had to be patient with him. I was used to having patience with him when we’d first met. But I had to learn that everyone worked on their own time and badgering him only served to fluster him and he’d shut down. So I learned to leave him be to work at his now pace.

Rain’s entire coven was in the SUV behind ours and I was glad I didn't have to ride with them.

Romero was a strange man who very much only tolerated his coven members and his family. Finn was quiet and I hadn’t really been able to get a read off of him when I’d met him before but now he seemed like he was tweaking and on edge.

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