Page 20 of A Forest Witch

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I’d lose my mind if I continued to think about it. I’d go completely, batshit crazy.

Nobody needed that, least of all me.

I shook off thoughts that did me no good right now and stepped up to my bedroom door. I pressed my ear up against the wood and quietly whispered a spell that would allow me to hear everyone in the house.

Weirdly enough, it was two female voices I heard and not a single male one. Had all the males left and I’d been left here with Rain’s females whom I had never met before? I had assumed that at least one of the men that I had been introduced to would have stayed behind to babysit me so I wasn’t left here in their house with total strangers.

“We can’t just go up there, barge into her room and introduce ourselves, Ariel.” a woman with a sultry voice said with clear irritation. “Your dad says she’s been traumatized and barely speaks. We need to leave the girl alone and give her her space so she continues to feel safe here.”

There was an angry little huff and then, “Please, Isobel. You and I both know my dad has a serious soft spot for females who’ve been through some shit. You will notice that none of Raven’s crew said shit about staying away from her.”

“Raven and his people didn't say shit because they assumed that with the two of us there was no need to because they assumed we, of all people, would get it. And they’re right to have thought that because at least I get it. You’re just being fucking nosy because you’re dad said Raven’s got his eye on her and you want to scope her out. I get it, I want to see their female too because I care about them just as much as you do.

“You forget that they took Baxter and I in to keep us safe and we stayed here with them. I know I’m a bitch and I don’t have a lot of friends but I consider Raven to be one of them. We can’t fuck this up for them before they’ve even had a chance with her. You and I both know it’s going to take all of them to get the job done. We can’t be pushy, Ariel. This is supposed to be a safe space for her and we aren’t going to mess with that. Okay? Please tell me that you hear me.”

I moved my head away from the door and stepped back. They’d shared a whole lot for me to digest.

That Ariel girl sounded pushy and incredibly intimidating. It was no surprise to me that she was Rain’s daughter. He was exactly the same way.

But Rain had also been very kind to me and his daughter just sounded like she cared. That was a brand new experience for me and it wasn’t one I hated.

I was curious to learn more about this Isobel who’d stayed here before and was likely Rain’s female witch. Had she stayed in my room?


I really did not like the sound of that in the slightest.

Jealousy wasn’t something I was ever used to feeling and I didn’t like the way it made me feel now.

I was a lot better than that and after all I’d been through and been able to overcome I did not believe there was any room for something as stupid as jealousy taking up space in my mind, especially not towards a woman I did not know over men I had no claim to.

That was straight up bullshit and I wasn’t going to allow myself to travel down that road.

One thing was for sure, they were down there not so patiently waiting for me and I couldn’t hide out here like a coward. It wasn’t the person I wanted to be.

This was my new start to my life and I wasn’t going to start it by being a damn coward.

I wanted better for myself.

I deserved better.

And these people deserved the real Autumn after all they were doing for me, it didn’t matter that these were just their friends.

I fidgeted with the hem of my shirt for a second before smoothing down my quickly drying hair. I’d never worn makeup before and even if I wanted to it would be difficult to wear it with the markings on my face. And I never wanted to cover those up. They were a part of who I was as a person and I had lived with them every single day of my life.

If they couldn’t handle looking at them then they simply didn’t need to look at me.

And that was all there was to it.

The two young women I found at the bottom of the stairs were beautiful but slightly dangerous and were intimidating looking.

One of them had dirty blonde hair and the other one had hair so dark I couldn’t tell if it was so dark brown it was almost black or just black, because it looked like a bit of both when she moved under the light.

I wasn’t sure which one was more dangerous and I wasn’t about to take bets on one over the other because they both gave off scary witch vibes.

The dirty blonde had huge green eyes with tattoos crawling up her arms. She also had a very serious scar that also managed to be dainty but stood out that ran along the curve of one of her cheeks.

She had more juice than the other one did.
