Page 98 of Where We Belong

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“Just oral?” Callie’s smile turned devious.

I bit my lip. “Not just oral.”

Callie searched my face and then rounded the counter.

“Tell me, Laura Witt! Tell me right freaking now!”

Laughing, I pushed at her hands that were two seconds from pinching me.

“We have sort of been hooking up.”

Her hazel eyes were round and massive. “When did this start?”

“Night we all had dinner together.”

“But you were drunk.” She tilted her head, concern tugging at her brows.

My hands came out as if I had any way of explaining.

“He didn’t touch me.”

“Oh. Oh.” Understanding dawned.

“Yeah…I sort of straddled the man and took what I wanted. But after that, he was just all over me, and everywhere. We’ve had a hard time keeping our hands off each other.”

“Okay. Wow. This is a lot to process.”

I nodded.

“How was the sex?” she whispered, a sly grin sliding over her features.

“I’ll save you the sordid details, but best I’ve ever had. There was just one thing that sort of threw me off.”

Callie went rummaging for a drink. Once she found a bottle of water, she leaned against the fridge. “Does he have a crooked dick?”

Bursting out in laughter, my chest practically vibrated at her random comment. “No. Not even a little, it’s perfect and straight and thickkkkkk.”

Her hands flew up to her ears. “Ewwww Ohmygosh, he’s like my brother. Please stop.”

Smiling victoriously, I pushed on, “He had this tattoo…it was very out of place with his others.”

I started filling a pot with water, assuming that would get us closer to mac n cheese, when Callie’s brows furrowed. “Is it the daisy?”

So it was a daisy then.

“Yes!” I spun to face her. “He wouldn’t talk about it.” I was fishing for information, and a part of me felt guilty, especially since Red had already given me so much. But I wanted more.

She waved me off. “He’s had that forever. It was his first tattoo. I remember because my dad teased him about it.”

That lined up with what Red had said. But why did he get it? What did it mean to him?

And if he’d had it for so long then why was it the nickname he’d given to me?

Callie started inspecting her phone, not paying attention.

“Hey Callie?” I was slightly off-kilter, my mind running a million miles a minute. Something told me he was saying something in his weird Killian language. Part of me wanted to curl into the gesture, whatever it was, and respond in kind. The other part of me wanted to keep him at arm’s length, as far away from my heart as possible.

The two urges warred inside me, tugging at my entangled heart strings. Killian hadn’t confessed anything to me; he hadn’t made any promises or any vows. He’d merely told me to stay. But for him, I knew that was nearly as vulnerable as it would be for him to tug the organ out of his chest and then wear it on his sleeve.

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