Page 97 of Where We Belong

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Wes and I turned toward him.

“You’re right. I led with anger and fucked up. I shouldn’t have touched her. I’m sorry, Killian. I didn’t know she was yours, but when the girls pushed her forward, I hoped she was important enough to get your attention. I was angry…and I’m willing to offer you intel as a way to make things right, so that she stays safe with your club.”

I knew the “she” was Natty. He seemed to have a difficult time saying her name for whatever reason.

“What sort of intel?” Wes asked, stepping closer.

Silas crumpled the photo in his hand and squeezed his fist.

“The kind that proves I’m still a worthy ally.”



I needed a break.

Natty had initially wanted to clear things up regarding Killian, but the second I wanted an explanation regarding Silas, she froze. Callie and I had tried talking to her, reasonable and nice—we even went somewhere private so her business wouldn’t be talked about. We asked Giles to watch the door, which he took really freaking seriously because at one point he walked inside with his gun drawn.

But no matter what, Natty wouldn’t budge.

I had asked her about her relationship with Silas, and she played dumb. So I had to break out the big guns.

“I was literally kidnapped by him, set in his lap and held at gunpoint. When he was asked why, he mentioned your name,” I had pointed out, but Natty just stared ahead as though we were crazy.

Her responses were: “No idea what you’re talking about, and I’ve never heard that name before.”

Callie and I looked at one another in frustration. Why was she protecting him, and if she wasn’t then why was she playing into this? We needed more info. Callie mentioned that Sasha might know, so we decided to stop interrogating her and let her leave.

She was pissed, of course, and ran straight up to her room. I felt a tiny bit of guilt, especially because she had tears in her eyes, but at the same time, I was literally held at gunpoint because of her ex. Or her boyfriend…or whatever the fuck he was to her.

“I’m hungry,” Callie said, rubbing her stomach.

I smiled, staring down at her hand. “You’re starting to kind of show.”

“Right?” she exclaimed excitedly. We both stared at her slim figure, moving our hands over the smallest, tiniest bump that was protruding from her stomach.

We walked to the apartment, and I knew Giles was close by, watching over us. That or Harris. Once I shut us inside, I locked the door, knowing Giles could still get in if needed.

“Let’s see what Mr. President stocked in the house,” I mused, pulling open a cupboard.

Callie took a seat on the stool, looking around.

“Wow, so he really moved in then?”

“He did.”

I found dried pasta, bacon and some gouda cheese. “Want me to make some homemade mac n cheese?”

Callie leaned onto her elbows. “You know how to do that?”

Waving her off, I pulled up my phone. “No, but I’m sure there’s a TikTok about it.”

“How come it’s not bothering you that he moved in?”

I laughed and started searching for a pot. “Oh, it did. You missed like a whole big blow up. But he also made a very big dominant show of not wanting me to leave, but then we had oral sex and….” I hesitated, realizing I had to finally come clean about everything.
