Page 16 of Her Alien Healers

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Tyran’s smile warmed. “I had to change the codes for the door to ensure she didn’t sneak out one night while Braxon and I slept. Our little warrior resents the need to stay hidden.”

This last statement came as they reached the end of the corridor and stepped through an open archway. Beyond it was a perfect replica of the quarters they’d seen upstairs, complete with windows that were actually framed vid-screens with select views of the palace grounds. Jody could only see only two differences. The first was a tall, golden-skinned male on the far side of the room. The other was a pink-haired, heavily pregnant princess wearing a flowing robe as black as the scowl on her face.

“You changed the fraxxing code because you’re keeping me a prisoner!” she said.

“We’re keeping you safe,” the prince and his anrik said at the same time in tones that made it clear they’d had this conversation many times before.

“Safe is boring! Next time, you can stay down here and I’ll deal with the idiots at court.”

Braxon folded his arms. “I’m stuck down here too, Phae.”

Phaedra glowered at him. “How could I forget? You’re always there. Just a few meters away, watching me like I’m made of crystal and could shatter at any second.”

Her rant was cut off as her face twisted into a grimace and one hand went to her belly. “Also, if this is labor, I would like a pain-blocker please. If it’s not labor, can you make it stop?”

Phaedra got to her feet without too much trouble. When Tyran moved to help, she held up one hand to him and the other toward Braxon. “Don’t either of you move. Do not come near me. No hovering, no smothering. In fact, do not even breathe in my direction.”

“But,” the prince protested.

“No buts!”

Tariq and Sulat moved as if they had rehearsed this moment, one of them gesturing for the males to follow him while the other approached Phaedra. “What do you need right now?” Tariq asked her.

“Answers.” Phaedra managed a weak smile. “And the new door code, if you have it.”

“I don’t, but as your healer, I must consider your mental as well as your physical wellbeing. Make a list of things you’d like to have brought down here, and we’ll see that it happens. Perhaps a small garden could be created? Or a sim-projector?”

Phaedra’s eyes lit up. “Yes to both. I got used to breathing natural air and smelling green, growing things. I miss it. And while holograms aren’t a real escape, they’d beat being bored as hell day after day.”

As much as Jody wanted to keep watching the interaction between healer and patient, she needed to get to work. While the two of them talked, she found the nearest data terminal and tapped in her security code. It prompted her to scan her palm, her retina, and even provide a breath sample before finally granting her access to Phaedra’s medical files.

What she saw confirmed her suspicions, though she wanted to do a physical examination to be sure. Smiling with relief, she returned to their patient, who was now visibly calmer and seated once again. Tariq had done a wonderful job soothing the soon-to-be mother.

“Phaedra, are you still feeling the same sensations now? If so, are they stronger or weaker than before?”

“They’re still happening, but I think they’re weaker now.” Phaedra looked up at her hopefully. “Does that mean I’m not in labor?”

“I believe so.” She glanced over at Tariq. “Do you know where the med-bay is? I need a hand scanner to confirm things.”

“Brax, baby, we need the hand scanner,” Phaedra called out before anyone could say another word. “If you promise not to fuss at me, you can stay after you bring it.”

Braxon, Tyran, and Sulat all returned together, carrying the scanner and several other useful items. Armed with everything she needed, it was only a matter of minutes to perform the scans while gathering more information from Phaedra.

When she was confident of her diagnosis, Jody offered Phaedra a reassuring smile. “I can confirm that you’re not in labor. You and the baby are healthy and strong, but you still have a while to wait before you get to meet your daughter.”

The only beings on the planet who knew the sex of the child were currently in this room, and mentioning it brought smiles to everyone’s faces.

Everyone one but Braxon. He dropped into a crouch at Phaedra’s side, his eyes on her stomach. “Then what’s wrong? Why is she in pain?”

Jody stepped back so she could address them all at once, though she directed her words to her patient. “Phaedra, your body is preparing for labor. What you’re feeling is quite normal.”

“Normal!” Tyran moved to stand behind his mahaya and placed his hands on her shoulders. Then he glowered at Jody. “It’s distressing her. Make it stop.”

Jody held up a placating hand, giving herself a brief window of time to pick her next words. Her professional side understood the situation and how to handle it. Deep in her heart, she felt a bittersweet rush of emotions, happiness and joy for Phaedra that she had such loving and supportive mates and a familiar pang of sadness that her own husband had prioritized his career over her and his only son. He hadn’t even been around for most of her pregnancy because he’d volunteered to be deployed on a mission so secret, she learned nothing about it.

“The only way to make the practice contractions stop is for Phaedra to go into labor for real. That will happen in due time. I promise you all that this is quite normal for human pregnancy. I’ve checked the scans and everything is fine. Phaedra and the baby are healthy.”

Tariq joined the conversation. “I am prescribing a holo-sim pod to be installed as well.”
