Page 112 of Twelve of a Kind

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“Bye, Dad.” I smiled.

Pulling my phone from my pocket, I sent Landon a text message.

“I’m out of surgery, and I’m starving. Lunch in the cafeteria?”

He didn’t respond, which I thought was odd. Walking down to the ER, I stopped at the nurses’ station.

“Hey, Rhonda. Have you seen Dr. Piazza?”

“I believe he said he was going to take a nap in the on-call room. He’s pulling a double.”

“I know. Thanks.” I smiled.

I went down to the on-call room, opened the door, and froze when I saw him having sex with someone.

“Shit. Ella.” Landon jumped up and grabbed his pants. “I thought you were in surgery?”

“You two-timing piece of shit. How could you?” Tears filled my eyes. “And you, Penelope. What the fuck?”

I looked over and saw Landon’s phone sitting on the table. Walking over, I picked it up, threw it on the ground, and smashed it with my foot.

“What the hell, Ella?” he shouted. “I need that.”

“You can have him.” I shook my head at Penelope and ran out of the room.

“Paging, Dr. Ella Kind. Cardiac O.R. Three, STAT!” I heard over the hospital’s intercom.

I ran up the stairs in the stairwell to the fourth floor. When I got to the O.R., a scrub nurse was holding out a gown, gloves, and a surgical mask for me.

“What’s going on, Uncle Christian?”

“I wanted you to see this,” he spoke. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” I swallowed hard.

“It’s something, or there wouldn’t be tears in your eyes.”

“I just caught Landon and that skank Penelope in the on-call room.” I looked at the surgical staff, who stared at me.

“Oh, boy.” He sighed. “We’ll talk about it after I show you this.” He pointed to an area of the heart he was working on.

“What the—I’ve never seen that before.” I looked up at him. “How are you going to get that out without killing the patient?”

“That’s why I called you in here. I need your help.”

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