Page 90 of Valentine in a Kilt

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Both lasses nod their agreement. Ava stopped complaining. It's a bloody miracle.

I watch as the lasses move behind the island. Then I tuck my mobile into my shirt pocket, with Errol's app still open, and pick up the black box device. I cradle it with one arm as I patrol the house from the inside, checking the windows with every pass round the living room and through the bedroom. How clever is Holden? I'd never gotten the impression that he's a genius, but he is vicious and conniving.

Even a dolt can cause serious harm if he's determined and off his head.

"Are you really going to use Errol's mines?" Rebecca asks, though I can't see her face. She's following my orders by staying low.

"I'll only use them if it's absolutely necessary."

"Won't that scare Odin and the chickens? They might panic and get themselves hurt."

"The chickens might be upset, but they won't injure themselves. Odin has heard all manner of loud noises, and it doesn't fash him. Besides, these are relatively small mines, the sort Errol brings out at large outdoor gatherings to impress everyone."

"Oh, good, I'm glad Odin will be okay." She peeks at me over the countertop, though only her eyes and forehead are visible. "Sorry I'm being a pest. My defensive mom instincts kicked into high gear."

"Dinnae mind your questions."

She sinks below the counter again.

I set the black box on the wee table beside the door, where I can keep an eye on the screen. I have my mobile in my hand, ready to tap the button that will set off a land mine. Cannae believe it's come to this. Setting off explosives outside my house? It's insane.

On the computer screen, the blip that represents Holden's vehicle is barreling ever closer. Less than a mile separates him from us.

Abruptly, the blip stops moving.

What in the world? Why is he sitting there? Must be waiting for something, but I can't fathom what it is.

Holden's car begins to move again, but now it's virtually flying down the road at such a high rate of speed that it might flip over if the tire hits a pebble.

To the lasses, I whisper, "He's coming fast. Dinnae think he can keep control of his car at this speed, so be prepared for a crash."

Both lasses give me the thumbs-up sign while keeping the rest of their bodies hidden below the counter.

Now, I begin to hear the snarl of a car engine pushed to its limits. I peek out the window, searching for the object that must be hurtling toward us. All I can see is a billowing cloud of dust. That must be Holden.

"Get ready," I call out to the lasses. "Cover your heads. He's here."

I see the car only a split second before the calamity strikes, and I don't have time to sort out what's happening. It's all a blur of motion and sound. I grab the black box and run for the sofa, just in case Holden's vehicle crashes through the front of the house, and throw myself over the sofa, onto the floor, shielding my head with my arms.

A horrendous racket erupts. The engine screams. The tires squeal. Metal crunches on metal. Then it's over. The silence deafens me almost as much as the concussion of the vehicle striking who knows what.

I peel my arms away from my head, rising slowly until I'm standing upright. As I glance around the area, I breathe a sigh of relief. The house appears to be intact, though I can't swear the porch hasn't suffered any damage. Now that I know the immediate danger has passed, I call out, "Lasses, you can come out. But watch for a cacan creeping about outside."

I kept my voice semi-hushed, so Holden wouldn't hear. Of course, the concussive power of that crash might have left him with ringing ears, anyway.

Rebecca stands up cautiously, surveying the area.

A few seconds later, Ava pokes her head up and flicks her gaze left and right, up and down. When she finally rises, she keeps her arms wrapped round herself.

I skulk toward the door. With my hand on the knob, I pause to glance at the lasses again. "I'm going out to see what's happened. Stay here."

Rebecca races over to me and grasps my hand. "Where you go, I go."

"But Holden might have a weapon."

Ava trots over to us, offering two kitchen knives. "Here. You should at least have these for defense. My Glock is in my car, in the glove box, otherwise I'd give you that."

I accept the knife. "Best get one for yourself too, Ava."

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