Page 113 of Fake in Love

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“No, I came over here because I wanted you to know that you’re still my family, even if things have been tough lately,” I say. “Also, how the hell did you get Jonesy to back off?”

“It wasn’t that hard,” Billy says. “You want a drink?”

More fiddling with his sweatshirt.

“Why are you twitching so damn much?” I ask. “What’s going on?”

“I’m sorry, Marci.”


Billy removes a gun from the waistband of his jeans and points it at me.



I don’t likethat she’s not here with me one damn bit.

I don’t like that she left to go see her brother on her own, and I don’t care that Savage is there to protect her. I should be there.

The mayor taps me on the arm. “Jesse?”

“Huh? Sorry, Mayor Williams,” I say. “You asked me a question?”

“Sure did,” he says. “I was talking about that ranch on the edge of the town, the one owned by that the, uh, what’s his name?”

“Carter Savage?” I ask.

“That’s the guy,” the mayor says. “Now, don’t you think that’s a waste of land? Could be used for actual cattle, not these, uh, self-defense courses and camps and whatnot.”

The mayor’s wife, Trudy, laughs.

“Bless his heart. He thinks he’s doing the town a service. Isn’t that what the police are for?”

“Always good to have an added layer of defense,” I say. “The more prepared people are to protect themselves, the better. That’s the Texan way.”

The mayor makes a noncommittal noise.

“Excuse me,” I say.

In the past, I would’ve pissed myself at the chance to talk to Mayor Williams about random shit or relevant shit. I would’ve agreed until I was blue in the face, but too much has changed for me to do that.

I walk out into that hall again with its paintings and nooks, parquet floors and chandeliers, and whip my phone out. I call Marci.

She doesn’t pick up.


I call Savage instead.

“Savage,” he answers.

“It’s Jesse.”

“Yeah, I can tell from my caller ID,” he says.

“Right. Fuck. Is Marci at Billy’s house?”

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