Page 105 of Fake in Love

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Billy doesn’t answer, but lies down on his side with a dramatic exhale.

“He got in through my back door. Frank left it unlocked, I think. I dunno what to do Marce, I don’t think he’s going to stop until he gets what he wants.”


It doesn’t compute.

Savage is ex-military. There’s no way he would let Billy get hurt. And neither would Jesse.

“It’s over,” Billy whispers. “He told me that the next time he comes by, if I don’t got the fifty grand, he’s going to take my head instead.”

I go to the kitchen and grab a glass of water then bring it back into the diner. I sit Billy up and give it to him. He sips and winces at the pain.

“You need to go to the hospital,” I say.

“No! I don’t want this to get worse, sissy,” he says. “He told me not to tell anyone. It will only make things worse.”

“I don’t get how this can get worse if the guy is literally threatening to murder you.”

I frown at him.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” He squints up at me, one eye closed. “You’re pulling that face like you used to when you caught me with weed in my bedroom.”

“Billy, this is starting to get real weird. Maybe Jesse’s right, and we should call the cops.”

I can’t even believe I’m suggesting it.

“No! Hell no! Are you fucking crazy? I don’t want the cops on this. They hate me in this town,” he says.

“Billy, this is the second time this has happened, and if Savage can’t protect you then?—”

“Why do you want to get them involved when you can give me the money,” he says.


“If I get the fifty grand, he goes away.”

“Because I don’t have fifty grand, Billy,” I say.

He turns his head, sweeping the diner with his gaze.

“Those new tables over there? Looks like you got the stools reupholstered.”

“Yes, with Jesse’s help,” I say. “It’s his money, not mine. He’s investing, and I intend on paying him back.”

“But he’s your husband now, right? So ask him for money to pay the guy off.”


“Why not?”

“Because you don’t get someone else’s money,” I say. “It’s not owed to you. You’re not entitled to it. You didn’t work for it. You didn’t earn it.”

“Then sell the diner,” Billy says and spits blood onto the floor.

I blow out a breath, grab some napkins, and hand them to him.

“Clean it.”

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