Page 48 of Make You Keep Me

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“Yeah, got here just a few moments before you… I believe he’s in the shop looking at the boys’ new toys.” She laughs, rolling her eyes.

Exiting the back door, we spot Smith and Gunnar across the way and head over. They’re hanging with a few of the older guys I'm not too familiar with, but we approach anyway.

“We have a special delivery for the chefs,” I say, handing each of them a beer.

“Ah, thank you,” Smith says, and Gunnar smiles as he takes a hefty gulp.

“Oh, guys, this is Jade. My aunt.”

They both look at Jade, then at each other, then back to Jade. “Jade, as in Stevie’s Jade?”

I can feel her body tense at the mention of her ex.Shit. Guess they did recognize her. I set a squirming Kiran on the ground and place a hand on her back for support.

She smiles politely. “Yes, that’s me…and you both know that shit is long over.”

They both chuckle. “True, that guy was a real piece of work. I'm surprised you put up with him for as long as you did,” Smith jokes.

“Still ask myself the same question.”

“Well, you look great. Haven’t aged a bit. It’s good to see you,” Gunnar says.

“Thank you … Oh, and this is my daughter, Willow.” She holds up Willow’s hand, who then gives a big smile and waves at the guys.

Smith squats down to her level, bringing Kiran into their little circle and patting him on the head. “You’re going to have so much fun tonight. The boys installed a playset just for you guys. It’s right over near that big ol’ tree,” he says, pointing to the large oak tree.

My heart swells at the thought of the guys putting in a new playset for the kids. Nox had mentioned they used to play at the clubhouse a lot when they were younger, but the area had since fallen into disarray. There was no longer a need to upkeep it…until now.

Willow’s eyes are bright, and she turns back to her mom. “Can we play?” she asks, practically jumping in excitement.

“Of course, I’ll bring you guys,” Jade says and excuses herself from the group.

“Smells delicious, can't wait to eat,” I say, about to go off to find Nox, when warm hands circle my waist.

I lean into his hold. “Hey, baby,” he mumbles into my hair as he places a kiss on top of my head.

“Where is everyone?” I ask as I spin to face him.

“We were all in the shop checking out the bike Ford’s been working on. Where’re Jade and the kids?”

“She took the kids over to the playset. You didn’t tell me they were redoing it,” I say, swatting at his chest playfully.

“It was all Gunnar and Ford’s idea. Something about wanting the kids to have a spot to play when they visit. To be honest, I think Ford was more excited about it than anyone. You know he’s taking this uncle role very seriously.”

Grinning, I lift up on my toes and kiss him. “Well, it was very thoughtful of them.”

I wrap my hands around his shoulders, pulling him in close, being extra careful of the massive new tattoo spanning his back. He surprised me the other day with a gorgeous siren design etched into his skin. He already has plans for what he wants to add to it for Kiran.

“Come on, I want to go see my boy before I drag you off somewhere.” Taking my hand in his, we follow the sounds of little screeches and giggles.

As we make our way across the yard, Ford spots us and jogs over. “Speak of the devil… Heard you redid the playset for the kids,” I say, releasing Nox’s hand and giving Ford a quick hug.

“Don’t mention it. I was happy to do something special for my boy,” he says with pride.

A low grumble comes from Nox’s direction. “He’s notyourboy.”

“Whatever you say.” He winks.

“Come on, you two, let’s go see what they’re all up to,” I say as Nox and Ford push each other around while trailing behind me.

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