Page 47 of Make You Keep Me

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The incessant bouncing of Jade’s legs in my peripheral has my eyes leaving the road and snapping to her. “Are you all set?” I ask, then peek in the rearview at Willow and Kiran. I'm grateful to finally have a car of my own. One Nox surprised me with just this week. The old me would have been hesitant to accept such a big gift, but the new me knows it sets Nox’s mind at ease knowing Kiran and I are in a high safety-rated SUV.

She realizes what she is doing a few seconds later and places her hands in her lap, effectively stopping the shaking.

“Shit, sorry. Gah, I’m just nervous,” she says, stumbling over her words.

“What’s wrong?”

“Well, remember that guy I’ve told you about, the one from when I was in high school?”

“Yeah...the one who started the trend of you dating complete and utter assholes?”

She chuckles but doesn’t deny the fact. “Well, he used to be in the Rebel Knights... He got kicked out not long after we broke up.”

“Oh, damn.”

“They have nothing to do with Stevie anymore, but I have a feeling I’m going to run into people.”

“I get it…the possibility of seeing people you once knew. Makes things a bit weird.” Shit, I basically just relived that entire scenario not too long ago.

Her hand reaches for mine and gives it a gentle squeeze.

“Sorry, I guess with the move and all, my brain is on overdrive.”

She’s not wrong; we have been working nonstop since she got here last week. Between sorting my things and unpacking their stuff, we’re absolutely exhausted. To celebrate our hard work, we’re going to the Rebel Knights clubhouse for their annual fall family cookout.

To think I’ll finally get to introduce Jade to everyone tonight brings a smile to my face. I’m sure by the number of times I’ve told stories of growing up, she probably feels like she knows them already.

“Enough about my messed-up past. Tell me about Charlotte and your appointment with Cliff. We’ve been so busy I forgot to ask.”

A large grin spreads across my face as I recall my meeting. “Long story short, he’s going to discuss a plan for me with Gunnar. Since Cliff and him work closely with Lennox, he figured that would be an easy solution once I told him I would be living permanently in North Carolina.” Thinking back has me giddy all over again. “Even though, apparently, Lennox had already told him that me and our son were now living with him. Which made for an interesting conversation.”

Jade laughs. “I bet he didn’t see that twist of events coming.”

I chuckle, shaking my head at the memory of how stunned he still seemed after his meeting with Nox. “He wants me to fight in as many tournaments as possible to help get my name out there in the local circuit. Then, come spring, he wants me to do the Queen City Brawl there in Charlotte. It all sounds like a good plan, and my friend Corbin Snow agreed to be my one-on-one coach. So I’m really excited to see how it goes.”

“It seems like he has quite the path laid out for you. Are you disappointed there wasn’t a contract?”

“Actually, not really. I know I haven’t earned my way yet. I’m still too new in the circuit to be at that level. And, if I’m being honest, I don’t think I would be able to dedicate the time needed for training camps, etc., if I were to get to the UFC at this stage in life. Kiran is so young; it would be really hard.”

“Em, you know that I’ll be more than happy to help however I can. You could totally make it work if that’s what you wanted.”

“Appreciate that, and you know damn well I will take you up on that. But for now, taking this route allows me to train, work at the gym, and be there for Lennox and Kiran. I can’t think of anything I would want more.”

“I’m happy for you, and judging by the look on your face, you are too.”

I can’t contain the smile on my face. “I am, really, truly am.”

Pulling up to the clubhouse, it appears that the party is already in full swing. Nox had a late training session, so he’s going to meet us here.

Kiran and Willow walk ahead as Jade and I make our way to the main house to drop off the snacks and dessert we made. Peering over to her, she seems a bit rigid, but I’m hoping after a beer, she’ll start to feel a bit better.

While inside the kitchen, I introduce Jade to Nana Rex and Isla, who are busy getting the food trays set up. We tried to offer some assistance but were immediately shooed away—not before Kiran was showered in kisses. Willow got her fair share of hugs and treats snuck to her by them as well.

“Would you girls mind running these out to Gunnar and Smith. They’re at the grill,” Isla asks, handing over two cold beers.

“Sure thing… Lennox here yet?”

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