Page 30 of Make You Keep Me

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She eyes me suspiciously. “You look different. You look…happy.” I can’t contain the smile spreading across my face. My mom eyes the big bag Emerson sat down on my kitchen island, her gaze wandering around the room before landing back on me.

“Oh my gosh. She’s here, isn’t she?” My stomach drops, assuming she means Leslie and knowing Emerson can hear her.

“Mom…” I start, but she cuts me off.

“I knew it. The minute I saw her in that ring. I never doubted she was coming back for you.”

Her words shock me.Mother’s intuition.

“Is she here now?” she asks, giddy, and then pauses, putting her hand over her mouth and speaking through her fingers. “Oh gosh, did I interrupt something?”

I let out a slight chuckle, shaking my head as a little giggle filters through the air from my guest room. We both stop in our tracks, my mom’s head whipping back and forth between me and the bedroom door that suddenly opens.

My mother gasps, her gaze flitting from Kiran to me and back. I swear I see her shake her head slightly, like she thinks she is seeing things before she is moving toward them. There is no doubt she knows he is mine.

Emerson’s eyes change from a deer in headlights to an emotional wreck within seconds as my mom wraps them both into a hug. I literally feel the tension leave Emerson’s body with every tear that falls as my mom holds them.

Kiran reaches over, twirling my mom’s hair in his fingers like he does to Emerson, and the sight tightens my chest. She pulls her head back from their embrace and stares at him. Noticing Emerson’s tears, my mom swipes her thumb across her cheek. “Shhh, shhh. It’s okay,” she says, pulling her into another hug. “It’s okay, angel. It’s okay.” Emerson passes Kiran into my mom’s arms, and he goes to her without hesitation.

Taking Kiran’s little chubby hand in hers, she says, “You are so precious… I could just eat you up.”

“Ma, meet your grandson, Kiran James…” But before I can finish, Emerson speaks up, “Monroe.” Emotions overwhelm me, and my throat clogs at her words.

“I want to change it as soon as possible,” Emerson says, walking across my kitchen and wrapping her arms around my middle. I melt against her.

I hear my phone ringing somewhere, but I can’t take my eyes off my family. My mom has immediately taken to Kiran, and the feeling appears to be mutual.

“Gosh, I feel like I just jumped into a time machine and went back about twenty years,” Mom says, the smile on her face permanent.

“He looks so much like you, but I see his pretty mama too. Especially this little beauty mark.” She boops the freckle right above his lip.

Kiran points to his new room. “Tent, tent.” My mom tilts her head around the door, peeking in. She looks back at me, more emotion in her eyes, before she focuses back on Kiran. “Aw, buddy, is this your room?” They disappear through the door.

Emerson looks up at me, smiling. “He loves his room already… Thank you for doing all that.” With her body flush to mine, other thoughts flit through my mind. I’ve missed her so fucking much. I pinch her ass and bend to whisper in her ear, “Is Mama going to sleep in my room tonight if I get the crib put together?”

Her pupils dilate as her eyes snap to mine. “You gonna let me eat this pussy tonight? I didn’t get to yesterday, and it's driving me fucking crazy.” As I kiss her collarbone, she lets out a little whimper, rubbing her body on me.

“Did you wash the sheets?” Her nostrils flare, lips twitching, reminding me so much of the teenage version of Emerson.

“I did, like, a week ago. Never known you to be a princess… What’s the problem?”

She rolls her eyes at me. “I’m no princess, asshole. But it’s bad enough knowing you fucked her; I definitely don’t want to lay in it.”

That has me a little stunned and a lot turned on. I fucking love when she gets jealous. But my mom comes out holding a ringing phone in her hand before I can respond.

“It’s Cliff. Looks like he’s called a couple of times. May be important.”

I look at Emerson as I grab the phone. “I’ll be right back,” I say, smirking at her and walking out my back patio door.


With Nox now out of the room, a sense of unease creeps in. Isla’s eyes lock with mine, and I blurt out the first thing that’s been weighing on my mind. “I’m so sorry for the pain I caused your family. If I could have gone about it differently, I would have…”

As she comes closer to me, I continue. “Just want you to know, your sons mean the world to me… You mean the world to me.”

A sad smile touches her lips as her hand reaches up and cups my cheek. “Emmy, you sweet thing. You’re safe, that’s all that matters. I trust that whatever kept you away from us is in the past, and we can all move forward as a family.”

Kiran comes waddling over and latches onto my leg. “Mama, up.”

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