Page 72 of Luna

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She makes a little confused sound but then grabs her things and storms out, muttering something about “not understanding hot-and-cold assholes” under her breath.

And I can’t even blame her. I don’t understand me either.



We pull up outside the restaurant at almost seven.

“Wait here,” Kingsley says to me as I reach for the car door.

He jumps out and then runs around the car to my side. Pulling the door open, he holds out his hand for mine. I resist the urge to ignore it, still confused about the way he all but ignored me after lunchtime, but I don’t and slide my hand into his. He grips it gently and helps me out of the car.

As soon as I’m upright and steady on the sidewalk, he drops my hand like it’s a dried dog turd.

“Come on,” he mutters and walks toward the club entrance.

I hang back, wondering for a moment if I really want to spend the night with this version of Kingsley.

“Luna?” he says when he realizes I haven’t followed.

I take a step forward. Who am I kidding? I’m not going to say no to spending time with him.

“So, um, who is going to be…” I gesture inside.

“It’s just a casual meeting. We have them every quarter. It’ll be about twenty of the men from the club and possibly their partners.”

“Oh, but I’m not…”

He gently touches my arm. “Hey. Don’t worry, you won’t be the only person there who isn’t a wife or an official girlfriend. You’re with me. That’s all you need to know, okay? Don’t let anyone intimidate you. The only thing the people in there have over you is money. And you have more than some of them now, so if that makes you feel more comfortable, then just remember that.”

I let out a nervous laugh. “I’m not sure that makes me more comfortable.”

He chuckles along, calming me. “It should. In the room we’re going to be in, people talk in terms of money. You have it. You’re just going to have to learn how to act like you do.”

His hand ghosts the small of my back, causing an invisible shiver to skitter over my skin, and he leads me inside.

As soon as we step into the dining room, a loud voice calls out to him.

“Baxter! About time you arrived. Come over here, would you, and settle this.”

“Be right there, Cal.” Kingsley tilts his head toward me and whispers, “That’s Cal Lochton. He’s a douche but harmless. Just laugh at his jokes.”

“Lochton as Lochton Beverages?” I name the company behind the biggest energy drink over the last few years.

“Yes, and trust me, he acts like he drinks a lot of his own product,” Kingsley jokes as we make our way over.

“Cal, how are you?” Kingsley says, extending his hand.

The other man takes it and gives it a strong handshake. Then he lets go and gives Kingsley a pat on the shoulder. “And who isthis lovely girl who’s making you look like the perfect pairing ofBeauty and the Beast?”

“This is Luna Pham,” Kingsley says, touching me gently on the shoulder. Cal gives me a big, friendly grin and extends his hand. Mine feels dwarfed inside his, but I return his shakes with a strong pump of my own.

“Nice to meet you, Luna. Are you from around here or…?”

“I’ve been here for about two months.”

Cal waves my words away. “Ah, well, then I’m going to go straight to the Londoner for his opinion since you’re basically a tourist. Baxter, who do you think makes the better steak and marrow pie? William says you can’t beat the Camberwell Arms. But I say you still can’t go past St. John for their steak and bone pie. What do you think?”

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