Page 136 of Tag

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“Tag never said anything,” I mutter. “Of course.”

Jas laughs. “You think he’s going to just drop all this ‘club business’ shit because you two are a thing? This is Tag we’re talking about. The man barely says three words all year.”

“That’s true,” I say. “Though he knows I watch reality TV like I’m some kind of addict.”

She shakes her head. “Seriously, I need to whip him into shape if you’re finding stuff out from me.”

“Oh, I’m sure Tag would love that.” I give her a chin lift. “When is she arriving?”

“A few weeks, I think. Cash is hoping all of this Devils bullshit has blown over by then. It would be better if she and whoever is assigned to watch over her are at a hotel. Then it’s completely away from the club.”

“I guess she could go in disguise?” I say. “Or she could stay at my place. It’s in the middle of nowhere and it’s nice. Oh, by the way, Tag owns my house.”

Jas gapes. “What?”

“Yeah. He bought it when I got back and pretended he knew nothing about it. I even thought my Dad helped out since the deposit and rent in advance was so much… Turns out, my Mom was keeping secrets as she knew about it, and all along I thought my stepdad was the one funding it.”

Jas rolls her lips. “And I don’t suppose that new G-Wagon out front just turned up all by itself?”

I shake my head. “This man knows absolutely no boundaries.”

“Hey, I wouldn’t say no to my old man buying me a new Mercedes.”

“He’s too much,” I agree. “And if I can get past the extreme possessiveness, I can see that he was just looking out for me.”

“It is kinda sweet, for Tag, anyway.” She smiles, taking me in. “I’m glad you’re happy, Luna. You deserve it.”

I smile back warmly. “It feels different.”

Her smile widens. “You’re in love with him.”

I swallow hard. “Yes,” I admit. “I am.”

And for the first time in my life, I’ve never been so sure of anything.



The address isdowntown and surrounded by high-rise buildings.

The idea that Rock even traced the van this far is a goddamn miracle. It’s taken weeks, but it’s the only lead we had.

Haze and Brew head into an underground fighting ring tonight, and they’ll report back in the morning. Whoever is keeping a tight lid on what the Devils are up to is part of the problem and we’ll deal with each and every one of them.

All fuckin’ day, I can’t stop thinking about what Luna told me about her father.

His building is not far from here. Goddamn Shields Insurance. What kind of maggot tries to pay their own daughter off like that? It’s fucked. I think about what I need to do, and while I’d love to go up there and jam my fist down that asshole’s fuckin’ throat, I know I can hurt him much harder somewhere else.

He’s going to pay for what he did to Luna, and he’s gonna pay handsomely. I’ll make sure of that.

“Rock get into the security cameras?” Harlem asks.

“Got a partial plate. Some exchange took place, but the footage was too fuzzy to make out,” I reply as we head underground on foot. Not like we can do fuck all, but casing the joint at least makes us both feel like we’re getting closer.

First thing I notice is you need a permit to get into this parking lot.Interesting.

“Fuckin’ dead end,” Harlem mutters. “This is bullshit.”
