Page 135 of Tag

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“I know they’re big guys, but this whole Devils shit has gone on for too long. It makes me nervous that they’re still at large.”

“Me too,” Jas admits. “I don’t know how the fuck they’re hiding but then again, there are a lot of lowdown scumbags in this city. They’d be only too happy to jump on board and get a quick pay dirt.”

“I hope we can go back to normal soon.”

“It’ll happen,” she assures me. “With Rock now on the case, they’re covering more ground than they would normally. He’s really good at breaking codes and hacking into security systems.”

“Guess that’s why he’s never at work anymore,” I muse.

“How is all of that going?”

“I’ve got some interviews later this week,” I say. “Pity Amber, or one of the other bar girls, weren’t interested to keep it in house.”

Amber hasn’t been around much, but some of the girls come and go.

“I did hear some gossip,” Jas goes on, lowering her voice. “Just between us girls.”

My eyes go wide as I smile conspicuously. “Do tell.”

“I heard Aspyn Ashley is being stalked.”

“Holy, what? How do you know this?”

She taps her nose.

Aspyn Ashley is one of our favorite reality stars. Recently, she got booted off the show Tail Spin in a cloud of controversy involving her ex.

“Oh, it gets better. You know how Cash and her Dad are really good friends?”

My eyes widen. “Yeah?”

“She’s coming here,” Jas whispers, putting a finger over her lips.

“Here?” I whisper-shout. “To the MC?”

Jas nods. “Not even kidding when I say she’s had death threats. Here, she has no ties to the MC and her Dad and Cash go way back. They figure it’s the safest place for her.”

“Where the hell is she gonna live? In one of the rooms upstairs?” I wrinkle my nose at the thought.

Jas shrugs. “I guess. This stalker weirdo even got past her security. Her dad is furious.”

“Oh, brother.” Then I give her a look. “I hope they’re not putting Tag on the case.”

I’m a jealous person by nature, but I will knock the bitch out if I have to when it comes to my man.

Jas laughs. “Getting all jealous already? Aww, you’re so cute. I knew there was a reason Tag has been less barky these past few weeks.”

I roll my eyes. “Very funny. Aspyn is gorgeous.”

“Yeah, and she’s a brat, or so I’ve heard. Harlem doesn’t want to take her on, even though, technically, as Enforcer, it’s between him and Tag to work it out.”

“I don’t know who I pity more.”

“I can’t imagine someone like Aspyn being under lock and key, though,” Jas goes on. “She seems pretty wild.”

“That asshole boyfriend of hers, making everything out to be her fault. What a complete douchebag. And then they fired her from the show for being too risqué?”

“Right? Pass me a bucket.”
