Page 61 of Hooks In

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“Rolling?” he asks.

“Yup,” I say as I stop before him.

“Excellent.” Max smiles. “I like what I’ve been seeing with you guys in your last few sessions.” He glances between us as we stand before him. “Today, let’s work on holding and attacking in side control. Ty, top, Luca bottom, then switch.”

My heart damn near fucking stops at the thought of Ty topping me in another context… and then switching… but no. Stop it, Luca. You’re a professional.

But professionals need to have fun too…

“Got it.” I nod to Max, and smile at Ty. “Top me, Tiger.”

Ty huffs and subtly rolls his eyes, dropping onto the mat. Max glances curiously between us, before backing up to allow us to get started.

And we’ve barely even fucking started when Ty has me blocked.

The fucker has his knees deep into my left side and my right arm locked in his. I curse to myself, because if I was on top I would have been working to control his head… but he has his arms over my arm instead of my head, giving him more mobility and severely limiting my movement.

Fuck him and his top skills. At least here, anyway.

I can’t move side to side as he has me locked, and his weight is on my right arm to keep me from rolling.

Obviously, he is going to move into mount and attempt for submission. But even if I do manage to escape this, I will have to roll, meaning he will then be in a position to attack me from the back.

But as his knee comes over my hips, it’s too late to even figure that out as he manages to mount me in the way I don’t want.

As his hand comes down to hold my right wrist, and the threat of submission looms, I try to keep my attention on the fight and not on him. Not on the feeling of his hands on me, and his hips over mine…

He leans over, and I immediately lift my free hand in front of my neck, knowing he’s going for a choke as he snakes his arm behind my neck. I can feel the frustration ooze out of him, as he clearly wasn’t expecting me to read him like that. And as I protect my neck from his attack, he now has to reformulate, recalculate, replan, whatever the fuck his brain does, as he isn’t able to get his other arm in front of my neck for a choke.

And recalculate he does. With my right arm in his grip at my side and the other at my neck, his hips are free to move up into a high mounted position over my chest.

Bright side… his dick is in my face…

Except not so bright, because he already has one arm pinned and the other is right at my mid-line, keeping me from doing anything with it in the position we’re in. He’s controlling that elbow without even doing anything and the anger rises up inside me, quickly.

Before I know it, he has that arm out and pinned to the mat, with his legs around my neck and I’m submitting to him in a mounted triangle.

Dick still in my face.

I shove him off me as he loosens his grip, and I push myself back on the mat.

Not at all how I want to be mounted by him.


I look up at Max, as he crosses his arms.

“I know.” I stand up, shaking my head. “I know. I let him get into a high mount when I could have taken the chance at him attacking my back, where I could have passed it.”

Max nods. “Could have been the lower risk position. But you did the right thing by protecting your neck against a choke attempt. I’m not sure why you let him have that arm when he moved into high mount though.”

“Yeah, I don’t either,” I mutter. I look up to Ty as he once again simply stands there, observing me. His expression giving nothing away, as usual.

I sigh as I stare back at him. Even though I lost this little tumble… I kind of want to see him celebrate it. Even just a smug look in my direction. Which I would then wipe off, of course. But, as I think about his reasons for not celebrating these little wins, a small ripple of hurt for him flows through me.

“Ok, again with Luca on bottom.” Max gestures for us to return to the mat. “Luca, think about creating space in side control. Ty will be more concerned about holding, you want the space to limit his ability to attack.”

“Way to give him my angle,” I mutter, shooting Max a cheeky look.

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