Page 52 of Hooks In

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“One question only.” He drops his eyes to the board again to take his turn.

Hm. Noted. Follow up questions are locked and loaded…

After a couple more moves, Ty captures one of my fucking knights.

“Well, fuck,” I murmur. “I liked that one too. He was gallant.”

Ty furrows his brow at the knight as he picks it up, then sets it aside without fully appreciating him.

“What did you mean when you said not everything has to have a meaning or purpose?” he asks, looking straight at me.

I stare back at him for a moment, trying to school my expression from annoyance to one of indifference. But he apparently sees right through that, as he eyes me while waiting for my answer.

I shrug. “That not everything has to be planned to death and sometimes it’s better to just do the things that make you happy.”

Ty continues to watch me and wait.

“What?” I ask, annoyed again.

It’s his turn to shrug. “I thought we were being honest.”

“That is honest,” I snap at him. “It’s what I meant.”

“Hm.” Ty nods.

I sigh forcefully and take my turn, capturing another of his pawns.

I’d like to get one of his knights…

“So, when you do achieve your end goal, who will celebrate you?”

He is silent for a moment before he adjusts in his seat and makes his next move as he says, “Myself.”

Well, now I have a million more questions.

And the fucker now gets my other knight. I’m either really not paying attention here or he is a secret chess genius.

“How are you able to just do the things that make you happy?” he asks.

And once again I’m reeling in my anger. “I’ll allow you to clarify that question,” I say tightly.

He furrows his brow a bit. “Everything just seems to come so easily for you. You barely have to work for anything, and you just said yourself that it’s better to do the things that make you happy. You know not everyone is able to do that, right? How is it all so easy for you?”

I clench my jaw as I take a deep breath. “It’s not easy. I work for everything I want. I work for everything that makes me happy. My job is not easy, my life is not just fucking easy.”

His eyebrows raise slightly. “Where’d that come from?”

“One question only.” I grab my beer from the coffee table and drain it before taking my turn.

But Ty then immediately captures one of my pawns.


“Where’d that come from?” he asks again.

I sigh and rub a hand over my face. “Fine, whatever. My parents are doctors, highly successful and in very specialized fields. Both of their parents were doctors as well. My sister is a doctor and my younger sister is becoming a doctor. And I’m a Phys. Ed. teacher.” I get up and head into the kitchen, grabbing two more beers and passing him one when I come back. “My parents like to give me shit for not reaching my full potential. They, especially my father, look down on everything I do as I am just having fun. Like being a Phys. Ed. teacher is just something to do in my spare time, and MMA is a silly little hobby I’ll grow out of.” I take a drink of my beer and shake my head, all fired up now and letting the flood-gates open. “Everything I did growing up was to please them. I went to a private school and achieved top marks. I gave my all in every extra-curricular they put me in, even if I hated it. And do you think I ever got praise for any of it?” I snort out a laugh and shake my head, staring out the window. “Nothing was for me, until I found kickboxing. And by the time I was able to get out from under them and make my own decisions, I decided that everything I do will have one simple rule attached to it. It has to make me happy.”

I’m suddenly very aware that I just rambled, a lot, with a whole lot of feels. And Ty has been quiet. Just listening and watching me.

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