Page 33 of Hooks In

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Anger rises as I stare right back at him. “So,” I say tightly, “I have a few things I want to keep working on… with you. Since… you’re the best one to do that with.”

He nods slightly, not breaking eye contact with me.

Oh, fuck him.

“You’re that much of a smug asshole you’re going to make me say it?”

“Say what?” he asks simply.

I tighten my fists at my sides and take a deep breath. “Will you roll with me tonight?”

Something flashes through his eyes that I can’t quite get a read on, and he nods. He drops his eyes and opens his mouth to say something, but I hold a hand up to stop him.

He brings his eyes back to mine with a question, waiting.

I give him my best annoy Ty Roscoe smile, and get those warm fuzzies when his jaw ticks. “Don’t say fine.”

His chest rises and falls with a deep breath, and he grips the strap of his bag tight. “Ok,” he grits out.

I place a hand over my chest. “Wow, I can practically feel the excitement from here.”

He shakes his head and turns to leave. “We’ll roll after I finish my workout.”

I try not to roll my eyes. Control freak.

“Fine,” I say to his back.

He stops and glances over his shoulder at me, and I swear I almost see a hint of a smile.

As he continues into the locker room, I reluctantly look away and return to my workout. But as I move about my circuits and chat with everyone in the gym, my eyes continue to find him. And when I notice he is wrapping up his workout, my stomach does that annoying flutter thing. Even though just a couple hours ago I was trying to hold back my anger towards him.

Elijah approaches me with a towel around his shoulders, out of breath from running the track. “What are you up to now?”

I gesture with my chin towards Ty as he starts in on some stretches. “Rolling with him.”

Elijah’s head whips towards me. “Really? Tonight?”

I nod. “Yeah.”

He eyes me. “Don’t you think it would be better to do this in daylight when there are witnesses?”

I huff out a laugh. “We’ve trained alone a couple times now, it’s fine.”

“Ok…” Elijah says, unconvincingly. “I can stay. I don’t mind. Max already left, so I kind of feel responsible for keeping you both alive.”

I glance around the gym, realizing it’s just the three of us left here. Rosa and Noah weren’t here tonight, and Seb and Adão left a little while ago.

“Oh, damn, I didn’t even realize he left.” I rub the back of my neck. “Uh, no, really, it’s fine. We’ll live. I promise.” I give him a reassuring smile.

It takes him a moment to return my smile, clearly worried about leaving us alone. “Alright. Well… I’ll send the ambulance if needed.”

“Deal,” I laugh and offer him a fist bump, which he returns.

Elijah heads off to the locker room, and Ty continues to stretch while I wipe down the kettlebells and weights I was using.

And as Elijah leaves the gym, the door closing quietly behind him, Ty and I are left standing on opposite sides of the gym. Alone, for the first time since we stood before each other in the boxing ring. When I told him he was hot, and he could fuck me.

We stare at each other across the gym, neither one of us saying anything or making a move to get this roll party started.

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