Page 31 of Hooks In

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What the fuck? I saw him with a girl at a fight just last year, who he was practically making out with every ten minutes. And is he really coming on to me right now? And I am letting him?

“But you know,” he says, his voice still low, “the more you check me out, you might change your mind.”

My walls immediately slam up again and I press my hands hard against his chest. “Fuck you.”

He smiles with a chuckle. “Again, with that offer. Be my guest.”

I finally push him back, creating distance again between us. I look at him as he stands there, that smirk still on his face… but he’s hiding something underneath it.


And I think I feel it too.

The door to the gym opens, and both of our heads whip towards it. Seb and Adão come in, laughing and joking around with each other. They wave, and Seb eyes us warily.

I just stare back at them, not waving back, and I know that’s a dick move. I’m both relieved and annoyed that they are here, and with the amount of confusing thoughts in my head right now I can’t be bothered with a greeting.

Luca turns back to face me, and his smirk is gone. We look into each other’s eyes in silence for a moment, before the corner of his mouth tilts up again, and he winks at me. He then turns around and hops out of the ring, heading over to Adão and Seb.

I watch him, while my heart continues to thump in my chest. And I know it’s not from the fight.

What the fuck was all of that.


Well, I thought I had a crush.

Now I know I do.

And I am losing my fucking mind over it.

Of all people I could be interested in, why does it have to be Ty? He’s the complete opposite of every person I have ever gone after or been involved with. And I have spent years building up this juicy disdain and rivalry, only to now throw it all away for… well, I don’t even know what. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him smile, he barely speaks, he’s rude as fuck… but something about him continues to pull me in. And I can’t figure it out.

Ever since that moment in the boxing ring with him a few days ago, I keep thinking about him standing before me, his hands on my chest and both of us breathing heavily while we just stared at each other. It feels like I finally peeled away another layer. A thin one, but a layer nonetheless. He let me see just a little bit more of him. But I want even more.

Instead, we’ve spent the last few days ignoring each other in the gym and going about our training without so much as a glance in each other’s direction. Which is normal for him as he doesn’t really speak to anyone, but something tells me there’s more to it. He felt something too. I know he did.

I hope he did.

An announcement over the PA system in the school brings me back to reality, and I push myself up from my desk. School is done for the day, and as a sub, I don’t have to stick around for anything. So luckily, I can get out of here early.

As I make my way down the hall, dodging kids and handing out the most epic high fives, I see Dan standing outside his classroom while his kids get ready for home.

“Hey, man.” I stop next to him and chuckle as he wearily watches over the kids.

“Is this week over yet?” he asks, as we watch a kid put on his open backpack upside down and everything falls out of it.

I suppress a laugh. “Sadly, it’s only Wednesday. But,” I turn to face him with a smile, “we have hockey tomorrow night.”

He tilts his head back with a sigh, while another kid yells, “Mr. Fletcher, I can’t find my sock!”

“It can’t come soon enough,” Dan mutters, picking up a sock from the ground and holding it up for the kid, who bounds over to take it. He then smirks at me. “You’ve been here every day this week, you permanent staff now or what?”

I snort a laugh and shake my head. “Still a sub, so, sorry but I’ve gotta go.” I make a show of slowly backing away from the children.

He huffs out a laugh and rolls his eyes. “Fine, but you’re buying the first be- …round tomorrow night.” He eyes the kids, but they’re all focused on getting their jackets on.

“You got it.” I give him a salute and turn to leave, feeling a bit bad that I get to escape the chaos and he doesn’t. But I have places to be.

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