Page 30 of Hooks In

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How is he so fucking fast?

“Stop. Thinking. So. Much,” Luca says as he hops around. “You know all of this, why are you planning it all out? Just do it.”

“You can’t fight without a fucking plan, Mitchell,” I grit out.

He rolls his eyes. “You can’t have a plan for everything, Roscoe. Just let yourself do whatever feels right. Stop trying to make this fight something it’s not.”

Those words hit me harder than any punch ever has.

I’m nothing without control. I need it. And the thought of not being a step ahead, and not knowing what’s coming, gives me an intense, uneasy feeling.

“Maybe I need to get you all fired up,” Luca says in a low voice as he stops hopping around. “Get you out of your head and into your feels.” He smirks darkly at me and tilts his head. “What do you say, Ty? You want to pound on me?”

I lower my gloves slightly as I see a light dancing in his eyes, despite the dark expression on his face.

“You want to see me go down…” his eyes drop down my body, then back up, “but you’re too slow. You’re more than capable… but you get in your own way. Why can’t you let yourself have fun?”

He’s silent for a moment as he waits for an answer. But I don’t give him one.

He nods. “Well. Fun or not…” he smirks again, “you can’t beat me unless you learn to actually feel something for once, and realize that not everything is yours to control.”

Suddenly, I step forward and throw a jab at him, followed by a straight punch which sends him backwards a few steps as he loses his balance. I follow him, laying a punch combo and getting a satisfying left hook to his ribs. The rush of air that leaves him spurs me on even more.

I barely even register what I’m doing, as I let all my frustration out on this asshole. Knees, kicks, punches, they are all flying in a blur. I’m vaguely aware that he is getting some in on me too, but I don’t care. I let the feeling of my punches landing and the sounds of my kicks on his flesh fuel me, and his words drive me to inflict as much damage as I possibly can.

Until he manages to back up from me, and his hazel eyes bore into mine. Those eyes that are usually filled with amusement and mischief are now unreadable, as he adopts an expression that I can only describe as empathetic.

Which pisses me off even more.

I step towards him again, but instead of punching him, I push him against the ropes of the boxing ring. With his back pressed up against the ropes, my gloved hands rest over his chest as it rises and falls with heavy breaths.

“Easy there, Tiger,” he says in a low, dangerous voice.

My heart is rioting in my chest as my frustration and anger morphs into something else. The unease I feel around him is rushing in, and an odd feeling is taking over. The one I can’t make sense of. And as Luca’s eyes drop to my lips, that feeling grows. If I didn’t know any better, I would think it was something like… anticipation.

Luca swallows, and my eyes slowly move down to his throat. But when I bring them back up, I meet his gaze.

Why am I not moving? Why are my hands still on his chest? Why does he piss me off so much, yet I seem to want more?

He gently pushes himself off the ropes and closes the very small gap between us. My hands start to fall from his chest, but he raises his to my elbows to keep them there.

“What are you doing?” I ask, in almost a whisper.

He is so close, I swear I can feel his breath on my lips. There’s a war deep inside me, the urge to push him back losing to the curious need to know what this is.

Luca shakes his head slightly. “You know I hate you, right?”

The war starts back up, and the need to fight rises. I start to push his chest, but he holds my hands in place with his gloves, not letting me.

“But maybe hate is the wrong word.” He lets out a breath and holds my gaze, seeming to ask me a question that I definitely don’t have the answer to.

I shake my head slowly, and he smirks.

“It should be obvious by now, Tyler, that I think you’re hot.” His eyes drop again to my lips. “And I think there’s a reason why I get under your skin.”

“I’m not into guys,” I say, but I hear the weakness in my voice. And my hands still haven’t moved.

“Shame.” Luca looks back into my eyes and I’m suddenly aware of how quick my breath is. “You’re missing out.”

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