Page 15 of Hooks In

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After I pull on some sweatpants, I tentatively make my way into the locker room. Luca, Sebastian and Rosa are still here. I keep my eyes down and go straight for my locker.

But as I open my locker door, a towel hits the back of my head.

I whip around to see Luca’s smiling face.

“Whoa,” he holds up his hands with a smirk, “easy there, Tiger.”

I turn back to my locker and clench my jaw to keep from saying or doing something that could get me kicked out of here.

He leans against the locker beside me, arms crossed. “What, no comeback? Oh,” he widens his eyes excitedly, “you like being called Tiger? Ty-ger?”

I’m going to crack a fucking tooth if I try to hold this in any longer. “What the fuck do you want, Mitchell?” I ask, turning to face him so he doesn’t think he’s winning whatever game he’s playing.

He smiles again and I tighten my grasp on my locker door.

His head tips towards the exit, where Seb and Rosa are making their way out of the locker room. “We’re going to grab something to eat.”

“Good for you.” I reach into my locker to grab my bag, digging around in it for my t-shirt.

I see his annoying smile out of the corner of my eye. “Come with us.”

“No.” I find my shirt and pull it out of my bag. Why is he even asking me this? I hate him and he hates me, and neither one of us wants to spend time together.

“Aw, come on Ty,” Luca pouts, arms still crossed. “Is it because I beat you? It’s ok, you might get another chance to be on top.” He chuckles, like he just made a hilarious joke.

I turn on him quickly, stepping closer. “Why is this so fucking easy for you?”

His eyebrows lift, as his eyes flick between mine. “What?”

I gesture around the now empty locker room. “You just fucking waltz in here like you don’t care about anything, everyone immediately loves you, you barely even try out there-” I point towards the gym, but quickly shut up.

Shit. Why the fuck did I just say that…

He smirks, and my blood fucking boils.

“And?” he asks, simply.

I stare back at him, squeezing my t-shirt in my hand so I don’t wring his neck. “Fuck you.”

He shrugs one shoulder. “Ok.”

My eyes narrow, my chest rising and falling with a deep breath as I once again try to keep myself from doing something I’ll regret. Not that I would ever regret kicking his ass. But I would regret it if I lost my spot here because of this asshole.

He laughs and I’m practically shaking from holding back. His eyes then move down my bare chest, and when they meet mine again, they’re full of something that almost seems like intrigue.

“Whatever, man.” He sighs and pushes off the locker. “Come or don’t, I don’t fucking care. We’re going to the burger place down the street. But, seeing as you’re dead set on being an asshole, see you tomorrow night.” He picks up his bag from the bench, slings it over his shoulder and leaves the locker room.

The door closes behind him, and I’m left here alone, listening to the sounds of happy voices retreating as he, Seb and Rosa make their way out of the gym.

Fucking asshole.

I drop onto the bench and rub a hand over my forehead. Fuck. Why did I have to say any of that. I gave him something to use against me. I am always in control. But around him, something in me just snaps and I lose it.

I hear the locker room door open and close my eyes, preparing for Luca to come back in with more quips.


I turn around to see Max, who looks surprised to see me here.

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