Page 133 of Hooks In

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I know he feels bad about it all, and I know he cares. And I understand that he doesn’t know how to do this. As angry as I was when I found him last night, alone, when I had no idea what might have happened to him… I also know he needed the time and space to process and sort his feelings out.

He anticipates, plans, and never goes in blind to a fight.

And I can appreciate that he’s the same in love.

His eyes drop to my ribs, and he traces the stars with his finger.

“Moon and stars,” he says quietly.

I smile, stepping into him. “Moon and stars.”

I watch from my Jeep as Ty pulls into the parking lot at the gym. Once he’s parked, I hop out.

“Ty Roscoe, back in his natural habitat.”

He rolls his eyes and shoves his hands in his pockets. “Not really. I can’t even do any kind of workout yet.”

I shrug. “Yeah, but you’re here.”

He nods, and glances towards the gym. And I notice that he looks a lot more at ease compared to this morning in my kitchen.

“How was work?” I ask. “Even though you were technically supposed to take another day off…”

He brings his eyes back to me. “Good. Had a chance to talk to the guys. They understood.”

I nod with a soft smile. “They seem great.”

“Yeah.” Ty eyes me with a small smirk. “Jake invited me over for a barbecue this weekend.”

I gasp and my hand flies to my chest. “Tyler! You made a friend all on your own!”

He sighs. “Fuck you.”

“Ok.” I nod.

He sighs again. “He told me to bring my girlfriend, if I have one.”

“Oh?” I cock an eyebrow at him.

Ty just nods slowly. “So, this should be a fun surprise for him.”

I smile widely, and he smiles back.

We stand in silence for a moment longer, as I take in the brightness in his eyes.

“Tigers can’t purr.”


“They can roar but they can’t purr.”

Ty just stares back at me, waiting for me to explain. But I don’t. Because tigers show that they are comfortable and feeling safe through their actions.

My Tiger does that too.

“Let’s go.” I turn and walk to the door, yanking it open.

As Ty walks into the gym behind me, every set of eyes finds him.

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