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Adalynn’s smile never slips off her face. The woman has perfected her ability to keep her cool when struck with disappointment. I, on the other hand, frown at Cash’s comment, even though I know he isn’t saying it to be mean. He’s stating a fact. These two may circle around each other, but they don’t have secrets, other than being madly in love with each other. That’s the one thing they don’t talk about.

“So, you’re going to start seeing her? We can invite her to dinner,” Adalynn offers, and bless her because she would too.

Her parents rotate weekly meals, the three Tate children joining both sets of parents every Sunday for brunch or dinner, depending on everyone’s schedule for the week. More often than not, Cash is right at the table with everyone else.

“I’m not going to start dating Hailey,” Cash tells her before turning in my direction. “Your mom—”

“Is a mess and a half,” I interrupt. “She tried to set me up with Ronnie and Donnie.”

He chuckles. “Those two are a handful.”

I breathe a sigh of relief that he either took the hint not to bring up the date Mom has been trying to set us up on or is distracted enough by the subject change that he’ll just forget about it altogether.

“Are you off shift?” I ask, thanking Hailey when she drops off my corrected drink with a quick apology.

I get the feeling she apologizes a lot.

Adalynn watches her walk away with narrowed eyes.

“Not quite. Just making a walk-through.”

I take a cautious sip of my drink, grinning when I find that it’s the correct one.

“Ad, are you driving?”

I frown, feeling like a scolded child.

“Yes,” she answers. “Will we see you for lunch tomorrow?”

“I have to play it by ear. Chandler is having issues at home, so I may have to cover his shift.”

Adalynn nods in understanding, her disappointment hidden deep under a layer of falsity. He leans in one last time, brushing a kiss on her cheek. I look away when her eyelashes flutter briefly.

“You two behave tonight,” he says before walking away.

I keep my mouth shut, giving her the opportunity to watch him walk away.

“Chase Woodson is back in town,” she says before I can open my mouth about Cash.

“My parents told me,” I tell her nonchalantly.

“Looks like he’s going through a messy divorce.”

“All divorces are messy,” I argue.

“My parents’ wasn’t.”

“Your parents are aliens.”

She chuckles. “So, what you’re saying is that you’re no longer in love with him?”

I turn my eyes, glaring at her. She’s slow to give me her full attention.

“I never loved Chase Woodson.I can’t stand the man.”

“Thin line between love and hate,” she says, picking up her glass of watered-down soda. “Ready to go?”

The thing about hanging out with Adalynn at the Hairy Frog is that once Cash makes his walk-through, she’s done. He’s the reason she comes here. Once that encounter is over, she no longer has a reason to be here.
