Page 49 of Silent House

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"Damn it, Sheila," Finn's voice came muffled through the door."I don't like this plan."

"Trust me," she said, her heart pounding as she silently prayed for Finn to go along with it."Please.I know what I'm doing."

A pause lingered in the air, heavy with uncertainty.Finally, Finn's reluctant voice came through again."Okay.We'll pull everyone out of the house."

Sheila listened to the sound of footsteps retreating down the stairs.She glanced at Ben, who appeared more relaxed than before.The girl, on the other hand, looked more rigid, her posture erect and her eyes intent on Sheila.

Don't do anything rash,Sheila wanted to say to her.I know what I'm doing.She had the odd sense, however, that the girl wasn't going to sit idly by.But what would she do?And what might the consequences be?

As the last of the police officers left the building, Ben straightened up, his grip on the hammer slightly less rigid.

"Are you satisfied?"Sheila asked him, her voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through her veins.

"Handcuff yourself," he ordered, his eyes never leaving hers.

As she complied, snapping the cold metal around her wrists, she knew that any small mistake could cost her life.But for the terrified girl in Ben's clutches, she was willing to take that risk.

"Make them tight," he demanded, watching her closely.She obeyed, feeling the cuffs dig into her skin.

Looking eager to get moving, Ben took a step toward Sheila, his eyes narrowing as he clutched the hammer.He halted abruptly, raising the weapon in a threatening gesture."If you try anything," he said, "I won't hesitate to kill you."

Sheila swallowed, her throat tight with tension."I understand."

As Ben closed the distance between them, the teenage girl seemed to grasp Sheila's unspoken plan.With a burst of desperate energy, she hurled a pillow at Ben's head.The sudden movement caught him off guard, and he spun around, confusion flashing across his face.

Seizing the opportunity, Sheila sprang into action.Despite the handcuffs restricting her movements, she was determined not to let this chance slip through her fingers.She pivoted on one foot and launched herself at Ben, her other leg snapping out like a whip.Her heel slammed into his wrist, sending the hammer skittering across the floor.

The impact sent a shockwave of pain up Sheila's leg, but she didn't let it slow her down.Years of training and competition had taught her to push through the pain when the stakes were high, and this was no exception.

Ben, his face contorted with rage, tried to lunge at Sheila, perhaps hoping to overpower her even without the hammer.But she was already one step ahead, using her powerful legs to keep him at bay.She kicked at his knees, forcing him to stagger back, then aimed another kick at his chest, knocking the wind out of him.

"Damn you!"Ben roared, lunging at Sheila.But she was ready for him.She dodged his attack and countered with a swift knee to his gut, forcing him to double over.

"Give it up, Ben," she said through gritted teeth."You're done."

"Never!"he said, stubbornly trying to regain his footing.But Sheila wasn't about to let him recover.As he straightened, she delivered a powerful roundhouse kick to the side of his head, the force of the impact making a sickening crunch.

Ben crumpled to the floor like a rag doll, unconscious but still breathing.Sheila stared down at him, her chest heaving with exertion and adrenaline.The nightmare was finally over.

"Is he...dead?"the girl asked hesitantly.

"No," Sheila replied, trying to catch her breath."But when he wakes up, the headache he'll have will make him wish he was."


The cold metal of the handcuffs gave way as Finn unlocked Sheila's restraints."Thanks," she said, flexing her sore wrists and rubbing them to alleviate the lingering discomfort.

She looked around at the chaotic scene unfolding before her: patrol cars surrounded the house, their blinking red and blue lights casting an eerie glow on the tense faces of the officers; Ben Burton, still unconscious from her well-aimed kick, lay strapped to a gurney as paramedics loaded him into an ambulance; and the family who had been attacked – a terrified mother and her two teenage children – clung to one another, their bodies shaking with relief and shock.

Finn studied her for a moment, his eyes searching her face for any sign of distress.Finally, he asked, voice low and gravelly, "Were you really gonna leave with Ben?Trust him to let you go later?"

Sheila hesitated, considering her response.In truth, she hadn't wanted to put herself in further danger, but the safety of the teenage girl had been her primary concern."If I had to, yeah," she said."But I was hoping I could find a way out of it.The important thing was to save the hostages."

"Damn," Finn said, impressed by her selflessness."You're going to make one hell of a cop, you know that?"The admiration in his eyes warmed her, and she couldn't help but feel a little proud of what she'd accomplished tonight.

A gust of wind ruffled the leaves of the trees that lined the street, causing their shadows to dance and writhe on the pavement.The mother of the two teenagers approached Sheila and Finn, her eyes glistening with unshed tears.She looked from one to the other, her gratitude apparent in every line of her face.

"Thank you," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion."You saved us.You saved my children."She glanced at her son and daughter, who were still clinging to each other, their faces pale and wide-eyed.
