Page 110 of The Step Bet

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“Your friends are weird.”

“Um…have you met yours?” he counters, and we both laugh. He has a point.

We spend the night glued to each other’s sides, making out, dancing, and talking to people. When I’m done being social, I nod toward his room, and Troy grins. “I thought you’d never ask.”

We ignore everyone as Troy leads me upstairs, then closes and locks the door behind us. I’m not sure how we get out of our clothes so quickly, but it feels like just seconds later we’re naked, in bed, panting and jerking each other off, cum stuck to our bodies.

Troy falls back onto the mattress beside me. “We can fuck later. I needed that.”

“Me too. I don’t like it when we’re not in the same bed.”

“I don’t like it either.”

I pull him close, my arm around him. “You know, the morning is going to come really fucking quickly after a party like tonight. We’re gonna be exhausted.”

We’re going to Ellie’s new place for lunch tomorrow. She got a small two-bedroom condo of her own, the living room filled with memories from both Troy and Brandon. It’s hard on both of them, but they know they can hold on to the Brandon they knew, even if they don’t have a relationship with him now. And maybeone day he’ll be serious about getting help, and they’ll get the old Brandon back.

Glen has already moved on, the way only he can—pretending it’s all Ellie’s fault and making his new girlfriend feel like things will be different with her.

Spoiler alert: they won’t. He doesn’t have it in him. I don’t plan to ever talk to him again.

“We’ll survive,” Troy replies. “She’s excited to have us over. Have to admit, the visits are so much nicer without Glen.”

“I know.” He was like a black cloud hanging over us, and now it feels like so much of the pressure is off. “I’m excited to go.” We both want to support Ellie as much as possible. My feelings toward her are complicated, but I’m working through them. She’s a good person, who is there for us, so it’s important to me to try.

“She’s making brownies.”

I smile, liking that. Strangely, it makes me feel closer to my mom as well. “Can I tell you something?”

“You can tell me anything.”

“I’ve been thinking, and…I’m pretty sure I’m going into social work. I know I won’t make a lot of money, and I know I never thought that’s what I wanted, but…”

“But you love it. Your heart lies with helping people. It always has.” Troy rolls toward me. “Your mom would be proud. No matter what you do, of course, but she’d be really proud of this.”

I nod, knowing he’s right, and damn, that feels good.

Troy traces his name beneath my pec. It’s a little tender to the touch, but I enjoy his hands on me too much to say anything. “I love this.”

“My naughty boy likes branding me.”

“Fuck yes. With my name, with my cum. Any way you’ll let me.”

I pull his mouth to mine, slipping my tongue inside, claiming him with my kiss. There’s nothing I won’t give him, and I know Troy feels the same about me. And we’ll spend the rest of our lives marking each other, claiming each other, wanting each other.

“I love you,” Troy says, lips traveling down my chest.

“I love you too. And I always will.”

