Page 19 of Syndicate Mayhem

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They don't have to like me, but they will acknowledge me. They will see me, whether it was as a rival, threat, or ally. I would make sure of it.

That annoying buzzing sound started up again, but this time, the volume was dialed up, and I winced at the sound.

“What's wrong?” I turned toward Falcon, who was staring at me, one eyebrow up as his eyes assessed me. Not in a way that was caring or concerned . . . more like I was an insect he was inspecting or a machine he wanted to take apart and examine. Sometimes, I appreciated his way of only seeking out knowledge and information, while other times, it was just creepy . . . like now.

"You don't hear that?" I rubbed at my ears as it got louder . . . more like two sonic booms were hitting me at the same time.

Ax was the first to act as he looked around. "I don't hear anything."

Falcon narrowed his eyes at me before he walked over. "It would be weird if you did hear something since this room had a soundproof spell that sealed the room as soon as the door shut."

I straightened up as the uptight mage circled me with his hand on his chin. "While werewolves have exemplary hearing, vampires can actually hear a few different tones that we can’t.” Ax scoffed, but Falcon paid him no attention as he came back around.

This was the first time I was hearing something about vampire’s hearing different tones. “And how is it that you know all about vampire hearing?”

Falcon cocked his head, still looking me over, not meeting my eyes as he responded. “I was in the middle of making a torture device and was testing different theories about what worked best on each species.” I crossed my arms, giving him a stance that said I was not going any further until he explained himself more. He gave a frustrated exhale as the three others circled in closer to hear.

“I ended up stumbling on a few higher pitched tones that no other species could hear but vampires. As it seems you are in pain when the rest of us hear nothing, I deduced that this was the reason.” This time, I didn't find his droll, impatient voice irritating, hoping that he was right and maybe he could figure out how I could block the hearing. Maybe a rune spell?

Before I could ask, Ax opened his fat mouth. “So, what was the best torture technique for wolves?” Four sets of eyes swiveledtoward him, Avery’s twisted face saying everything that we all were thinking.

Avery shook his head, pointing at him before turning away. “Nope. Not going to dignify that with a response.” His determined gaze focused on me. “Do you think the sound thing has to do with your safe or key?”

I lifted my shoulders. “I have no idea. It's not like it was set for a certain time. It just happens at random . . . but it has gotten louder with each ten to twenty minutes that go by.”

"What kind of sound do you hear?" Falcon's tone was sharp and precise. All he was missing was a pen and a clipboard and he would be right back in the lab. I wanted to tell him to fuck off, but I also really wanted to stop hearing this noise.

My exhaustion at the situation bled out as I exhaled, "It's more like a staticky noise. Like a live wire or someone on the other end of a line.”

“Oh, so, kinda like a white noise?”

I glared at Avery, making it seem like it was no big deal. “No. Not like white noise. If it was white noise, I could just ignore it. This is growing stronger and louder with time.”

“We’re just trying to help.” Lex scoffed at me, leaning up against the wall. The noise started up again, getting louder, and I gritted my teeth.

“You guys don’t hear that?” I barked out, getting more and more annoyed by the second.

Falcon just cocked his head. “So, you hear it now?”

“Yes!”I thought he was supposed to be the smart one?

I could barely hear Falcon mumbling to himself. “There is no clock, so it's not a timed thing . . . .” He went in a circle, looking for some kind of clue as I was going crazy, clenching my fist so hard I thought my bones would break. “It can’t be related to the furniture or pieces . . . we haven't moved anything . . . ”

His gaze settled on Lex, staring at him until Lex called out, “I don't think my rose would appreciate you checking me out like that magic man. You better watch out.” He stood up, taking a step in Falcon’s direction, but all I could think about was that the buzzing stopped.

“It stopped.”

Falcon stomped in the direction of Lex, his inquisitive gaze turning to stone. Lex raised his chin as he looked down his nose. “I wouldn't come up on me like that. I don't think my rose would appreciate me hurting you, but it can't be helped sometimes. Demons gonna do what we do . . . and all that jazz.”

His spiel didn't stop him, and just as Lex let out some of his smoke as a warning, Falcon shoved him aside and examined the wall.

“What the-”

“Here.” Falcon pointed but did not touch a section of the wall. “It's an incredibly thin line, but you can see a square in this section.” He put his hand on it, and I began to hear the buzzing again.

“Shit. Stop.” I huffed, closing my eyes at the pain.

It suddenly stopped, and I opened my eyes to Falcon’s hand hovering over a spot on the wall. “I think there's a magnetic pulse behind this square. That's the sound you are hearing.”
