Page 70 of The Starry Knight

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Retrieving a blanket from my closet, I cover her up and sit down beside her. “I’m so sorry this happened. I wish he would have already been gone by the time we came back to work today.” I tell her.

“You couldn’t have known he would do anything.” She wheezes and I’m sure he damaged something in her neck. That motherfucker better beglad I didn’t kill him for putting his hands on what’s mine.


I called Dr. Peterson and asked him to meet us at the hospital. I want Stormy to have X-rays done but he’s the only doctor that I truly trust. Once we got here, he was waiting for us in the waiting room. We get her checked in and he is able to take her straight back to a room. Since she can’t talk well, she’s having me answer most of the questions.

“So, you were choked from the front. I can see his hand print forming a contusion along the front of your throat.” She nods her head and a small tear escapes. “Alright, we are going to take you back and do some X-rays. Is there any possibility that you are pregnant?” Dr. Peterson asks and all the air leaves my lungs. She looks at me and I know the answer. She never started her period like she was supposed to, but I’ve been enjoying having a week with her at the house that I totally forgot about it. But I see she didn’t. She knows. She nods her head once and looks down to her hands wringing in her lap.

“I see. Well, in that case, let me order a test so we’ll know for sure.” He clicks away at the computer then leaves us alone.

I stand and walk over to the bed she’s in. “Why didn’t you tell me?” I question.

She shrugs her shoulders then opens her mouth. “I was scared to know. I don’t know for sure but I’m pretty regular and I didn’t start my period this week.” She murmurs.

I sit on the edge of her bed, holding her handsin mine. “I told you that’s what I wanted. Why would you be scared to tell me?” I ask. “We don’t keep things from each other, ever.” I try to not get my hopes up that she’s pregnant but it’s too late. I can see her now with a swollen belly and bare feet, painting away in her studio. Of course, we would get everything that was non-toxic. I need to research all that. I don’t want anything to hurt my Angels. Yes, I said Angels because I just know it will be positive.

Steve walks back in with a kit to take her blood. “Since you’re probably too early for a urine test, we’ll use a blood test to determine if you are pregnant or not.” She nods her head and holds out her arm. Dr. Peterson draws the blood then labels it with her name and says he’s taking it to the lab and will be back. In the meantime, I rub Stormy’s back until she falls asleep I think from the adrenaline wearing off. Although she has been taking a lot more naps now that I think of it.

Once the doctor comes back with the results, I wake Stormy so she can hear. “I believe congratulations are in order. You are going to be a mom, Stormy. The test results came back positive. Unfortunately, considering how early you are, we won’t be able to have an X-ray. I’ll have to perform a physical exam which will be uncomfortable.” He looks at me and smiles. “Congratulations, dad.” I can’t contain my excitement. I smash my lips to Stormy’s, holding her face in my hands.

“I love you so much, baby. We’re going to have a little one.” I say with happy tears in my eyes.

“I love you, too. Are you truly happy?” She asks, biting her bottom lip.

“More than I can express, Angel.” I kiss herforehead and get up from the bed so the doctor can get his exam over and we can get out of here. I have an engagement ring at home that I have been waiting for the right time to give her and I think tonight will be perfect.

“I’m just going to feel around your neck and see if I find anything.” Dr. Peterson feels around on both sides of her neck and then the middle. She cringes a bit, but my girl is strong. She can get through anything. “Alright, I think it’s just an inflamed larynx. Try not to talk as much as you can while it heals. Now, since you are pregnant and you were denied blood and oxygen to your brain for a short time, we are going to go an ultrasound of the baby and make sure everything looks alright, okay?”

“Okay.” She rasps as she looks to me with true fear in her eyes. She’s wondering if anything happened to the baby today and I don’t think I have ever been more scared in my life until I hear the fast little heartbeat coming from the computer speakers. I look to the doctor who confirms with a head nod. I jump up and kiss Stormy. Together we share some tears as we look at the monitor that shows our little peanut on the screen.

Dr. Peterson gives Stormy directions to take it easy and a prescription for prenatal vitamins. We’re out of the hospital and heading home soon after.

Chapter 35


Stormy passed out in the car after we talked about everything that we found out at the hospital. Dr. Peterson said it was normal for her to be tired around this time, plus with everything she went through, I can’t blame her for falling asleep. I park the car and go around to her side to pick her up. She shuffles a bit until I say, “Shh, we’re home. I’m carrying you upstairs. Go back to sleep, Angel.” The ride up the elevator is a quiet one as I look down at the sleeping beauty in my arms. I take her back to our bed and lay her down. Taking off her boots and jacket, I cover her small body with the blanket, excited to see when her belly begins to swell. I kiss her forehead and then her stomach where our little angel is growing. My heart feels like it might burst out of my chest. I love this woman and she is giving me this amazing gift. How did I ever get this lucky? I make sure the blanket is tucked in around her and leave the room, taking one last look at my loves. Closing the door, I pull out my phone and start my plans for tonight.

First, I place an order for her favorite Mexican food and tell them to deliver it at seven. That should give me plenty of time to get everything ready. I check the weather and see there is a snow storm coming this afternoon which will be perfect since Stormy loves snow so much. I go into my Christmas closet and pullout several strands of twinkling lights. Taking them out to the balcony, I hang them under the awning where we will be. I pull the heaters closer and set out blankets and pillows on the couch outside. Next, I order some things from the grocery store that we will need over the next few days, letting them know they need to be delivered.

Once everything is delivered, I put the sparkling white grape juice in the fridge to cool. It’s the closest thing to champagne she can have now that she is pregnant. Leaning against the counter, I take a minute to let that sink in. I’m going to be a dad. I can’t fucking wait. Our kid is going to grow up with a cousin their age and be best friends hopefully. I can’t wait to call and tell the family. I shake my head and smile at how fast things can change.

As I’m getting everything set up on trays, Stormy walks into the kitchen rubbing her eyes.

“How long was I out?” She asks.

“A couple hours, not too long.” I mention. “I got your favorite.” I gesture to the Mexican food.

“Yummy. You didn’t have to do that.” She replies as she sticks her finger in the cheese dip and sucks it off. Fuck, what a turn on and she doesn’t even know she’s doing it.

“I wanted to, Angel.” She looks at the trays and looks up at me.

“Another night watching Harry Potter?” She asks. We still haven’t quite finished our marathon. We get distracted when we put it on.

“Nope. We are eating on the balcony.” I say, loving the way her eyes light up.

“Really?” She questions.

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