Page 40 of Where Angels Hide

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Zep hadn’t been prepared for that; to see any part of himself in her. He’d spent years burying memories of what he felt for Rachel, and his daughter, deep within the recesses of his mind. Yet here she was, a living reminder of a life he had long abandoned. Part of him wanted to walk away, to deny any connection to Abby’s existence. But another part, one he couldn't ignore, insisted he must protect her at all costs.

Zep had always been a man of action, never one to dwell on sentimentality or regrets. But the presence of his daughter had given weight to the choices he’d made, and now they were bearing down on him.

His phone vibrating in his back pocket shook him from his disturbing melancholy.

“Mick?” he answered.

“Ricochet have arrived.”

“Fucking brilliant.” Those pricks would only complicate the situation. “Any sign of Isobel’s crew?”


Zep grunted. There was still time to talk to Rachel and get both her and Abby out of harm's way. “Keep me posted.”

“Yep.” Mick ended the call.

Zep huffed out a lungful of frustration. He wished he’d had a chance to speak with Rachel before killing Kypianos. There’d be an increased police presence at the hospital now. Hopefully, she’d be released today, and he could speak with her here, at the cottage. He’d just have to wait until Abby’s cop boyfriend wasn’t around.

He glanced down the hallway. Abby could have told Scott he was here, but she hadn’t. Zep brought to mind those few moments with her. He’d seen anger, shock, frustration in her eyes… but not fear. Who had she been protecting when she’d left him standing in her mother’s house? Was it him? Rachel? The boyfriend?

More questions with no answers. He shook his head. Zep headed for the two rooms he’d yet to search. The first was a spare bedroom, with nothing of interest hidden in the drawers or closet. The second appeared to be Rachel’s office and storage area. Art supplies, books and paperwork filled the space. He stepped inside and started leafing through the various folders on the desk. Bills, quotes, invoices, invitations…

Thrown haphazardly on top of some books were two overflowing manila folders. He flipped open the top folder. His heart clenched, as if encased in a flaming hot cage. Pictures of his younger self stared back at him. In his eyes Rachel had captured an innocence that he’d lost long ago—a vulnerability that was both achingly beautiful and terrifying. It reminded him of a time when life held promises yet to be broken, dreams yet to be shattered.

Sure, he’d seen a lot by the time he’d met Rachel. But he had never felt anything like the need he’d felt for that woman, and not just physically. For one hopeful moment, he’d been fool enough to think he could have it all.

Zep pulled the second folder out and opened it. The cage around his heart gripped harder. There were pages and pages of sketches of Abby as a child. Every picture was a window into her childhood. As Zep sifted through the sketches, each stroke of Rachel's pencil revealed the essence of their daughter–her curiosity and fearlessness, a sense of adventure and fun. A smile that stole the breath from his lungs.

Seeingglimpses of her childhood felt like unlocking a door to a world he could never truly enter. It was a realm where he didn't exist, and he certainly didn’t belong. He closed the folder and pushed it away. This was not what he’d come here for.

His phone vibrated in his back pocket once more.

“Brodie?” He turned away from the drawings, as if there was a chance he could eradicate them from his mind.

“Isobel’s crew have arrived.”

An internal armour of cold, hard steel voided the unwelcome emotions his past had spat up at him in the last half hour. “How many?”

“Two, plus Brian Isobel.”

“Brian’s here?” That was an interesting development. Was it Peter or Brian’s arrogance that had led to his remaining son’s in-person appearance in his quest to start a war?

“I reckon whatever they’re planning is gonna go down soon, before the cops get too settled and the Road Gypsies return.”

Zep agreed. Isobel wanted to start a war, but it made no sense for the battle to play out on the North Coast. This was merely the location for the first strike. He’d get Sonny and Jacko to double their surveillance of the Broulee property and clubhouse in Sydney.

“Dodge just texted,” said Brodie. “Abby and the boyfriend are back at the hospital.”

“I’m headed back that way.”

“I’ll keep eyes on Brian and his mates.”

Zep grunted and hung up. They had a very small window of time to get Abby and Rachel somewhere safe. He needed to speak to Rachel. Zep had a feeling he’d need her help convincing Abby to trust him enough to protect them both.

Chapter 13

“How’s Mum?”

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