Page 37 of Where Angels Hide

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Pieces of two opposing thoughts began to take shape in her mind. “Someone killed him?”

“There’s evidence of petechial haemorrhage in the eyes, but traumatic asphyxia can’t be confirmed until an autopsy is performed.”

Abby frowned. “Traumatic asphyxia? What does that mean? He was… suffocated?”


“How? By whom?”

Scott scanned the street as her voice rose. She took a deep breath and dug her nails into the palms of her hands, struggling to contain the scream that was ripping through her brain. Kypianos and attacked her. Now someone had killed Kypianos. This whole situation was insane. “Scott!”

“Look, he was only found fifteen minutes ago. We don’t have any answers yet.”

“What about Mum?”

“She’s safe.”

“No, I mean…” She took another breath. “Mum doesn't know that Kypianos was at her house; that he knew my name. I don’t want her hearing that from the police.”

Scott placed his hands on her upper arms. “The patients are being told an incident occurred, but no details at this stage.” His eyes were full of concern.

“I need to see my mother.” She tried to keep the frustration out of her voice.

“I know, babe, but we need to let the police do their jobs.”

“You’re the police!”

He gently squeezed her arms. “Which is why I know what’s going on.”

“But surely your experience–”

He rested his forehead against hers. “Abby…”

Tears formed behind her eyes. She felt helpless and furious.

“A team from Ricochet will be here by lunchtime. Until then, the locals are stretched.”

A silent scream echoed in her head. “They’ve asked you to babysit me.”

He pulled back. “Abby? You’re my partner. The man who threatened you is dead and your mother is in hospital after collapsing. Where else would I be?”

She studied him with equal intensity. “I can look after myself.”

His face hardened. “No one’s saying you can’t, but for fuck’s sake, can’t you just let me be there for you? Have you ever even considered the notion thatImight needto be there for you?”

Abby's breath caught in her throat, her anger momentarily fading into surprise. She had been so consumed by her own fear and frustration that she hadn't stopped to consider Scott's perspective. It was, however, short lived. She’d cried in Scott’s arms yesterday and they’d made love in the evening. They’d barely left each other’s sides since Kypianos had approached her. How much more could he be there for her? What she needed was answers, not comfort or a bodyguard.

“Scott, I love you, but I can’t sit around like some damsel in distress.”

“I’m not asking you to.”

“It feels like you are.” Abby took a breath. She didn’t want to fight with him. “Please, I just need to talk to Mum.”

Scott chewed on his bottom lip, his eyes clouded, as though harbouring a storm. “They won’t let you in. It’s an active crime scene.”

“Will they let you in?”

His chest rose and fell as he regarded her. “Probably.”

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