Page 96 of Impromptu Match

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“Gabe,” he said. “They both do drag. And he and Kenneth are in a knitting club together. He introduced Heidi, as well. I think they’re just old friends.”

“Are they all friends? The wrestlers, I mean.”

“Yeah, they all get on great for the most part. I’ve been wanting to expand and get a few more wrestlers on the docket.” Holt grinned, his long fingers playing with my wet hair. “Maybe if I implement some of those ideas you had, I can afford to do it.”

“I’ll help,” I said eagerly. “I mean, if you need help. I’d be happy to.”

He leaned in to kiss me, murmuring, “Thanks, baby.”

I flushed as he pulled back and smoothed his hands over my shoulders.

“Your shoulders are getting pink. Let’s get out so I can put more sunscreen on you.”

“Back miraculously feeling better again?” I asked dryly as I began carrying him over to the steps.

He gave me an innocent smile. “It comes in waves. It’ll probably start hurting again by the time I’m done, so if you don’t mind rubbing sunscreen into every inch of me…”

“I’m sure I can manage that,” I told him solemnly.

That night, I finally got to see Frank and Beans perform when they went up against Corey in the headline match. It was as weird as everyone had led me to believe.

They were like two hyperactive grasshoppers, bouncing around the ring, launching themselves onto Corey’s back while he snarled and spun around, trying to throw them off. Their wrestling outfits were simple white briefs—they didn’t need personas to make their matches more entertaining. In fact, I wasn’t entirely convinced that they knew it was all staged and rehearsed. They seemed to genuinely believe they were fighting Corey for real and had a chance of winning.

I got to see their signature move, the Double Docker Shocker, where they tugged their briefs down and comedically long dicks slid out from orifices between their legs. I had to agree with Larkin—I didn’t see how there could possibly be organs inside them as well as those monsters. They were basically walking condoms with arms and legs.

The tentacle things at the ends of their dicks were a little horrifying. They waved around before latching on to each other when the pair lined their monstrous lengths up, creating one long dick pole. While Corey was posturing for the crowd with his back to them, spinning his nipple tassels, they ran sideways across the ring and swiped his legs out from under him, sending him crashing to the mat.

Corey still won—I definitely needed to ask Holt if it was a clause in his contract—and once the match was over, we made our way to the backstage area so Holt could speak to all the wrestlers. Lady Victoria Venom and The G.O.A.T., aka Mads and Heidi, had also performed tonight, and they were laughing together about something when we got to the room, sipping protein shakes in the kitchen area.

High Lord Crossbody was once again on the treadmill, despite fighting against Kenneth, The Optometrist, earlier in the evening. Blood Suckapunch and The Rolling Rimmer were playing video games together on the couch.

The wrestlers all seemed to be getting more used to my presence, because Vince and Suckapunch only paused the game to flirt with me for a few minutes while I blushed and clutched Holt’s hand. Heidi and Mads made their way over to ask if I’d enjoyed their match, the faun clapping me jovially on the back, jolting me forward.

When Crossbody realised I was there, he jumped off the treadmill and glided majestically over, once again pressing a kiss to the back of my hand and purring that it was a pleasure to see me. Holt yanked me into his side, loudly announcing that we were both heading back to his place soon.

Once Crossbody had tossed his gleaming hair over his shoulder and swept away, Holt turned to me with a sheepish smile.

“I mean, you don’t really have to stay tonight if you don’t want t—”

“I want to,” I said quickly, stomach already tightening with breathless anticipation. Lowering my voice, I added, “But we do have to be careful because of your back.”

He psshed, waving a hand. “It’s fine. I’m limber. Fold me in half again, babe.”

“Fold you in half?” Larkin asked with interest as he bounded over, almost tripping on a non-existent obstacle on the floor. “Is that a wrestling thing or a sex thing?”

“It’s a none-of-your-fucking-business thing, Lark,” Holt drawled.

Larkin ignored him, giving me an impressed look. “You folded him in half? To do what? Did you hogtie him? That’s kind of hot, honestly. I mean, not hot that it’s Holt. Gross, dude.”

“Holt’s not gross,” I said defensively as Holt huffed and rolled his eyes. “He’s super hot. He’d look amazing hogtied. Not that I plan on doing it,” I added quickly when Holt shot me a mildly intrigued look.

Larkin grimaced. “I don’t need the deets, dude.”

Holt spluttered in disbelief. “You asked, you little shit.”

“That’s not a very appropriate thing to call your hardworking employee, boss.” Larkin gave him a disappointed look. “You should prob keep it in mind when you’re deciding on my bonus for the year.”

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