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After my phone call with Boris, I refuse to speak to the boys in blue any longer. I take a glass of water and go to my cell, staring at the wall until I’m released.

I accept no food or blankets.

I want nothing but to be freed and find Valerie.

Time goes slowly while I wait in silent meditation. I close my eyes, becoming lost in the world within me. After an hour, I’m able to feel every cell in my body, all buzzing with the energy of the universe.

I am powerful, and I won’t be detained. I’m certain that even if I was carted off to a maximum-security prison on a remote island off the coast of the United States, I would still find a way out. I will always find a way to return to Valerie.

I just have to pray that nothing bad happens to her. I’m not worried about myself. I haven’t been since I fell in love withValerie. She showed me a new way of being, a more powerful method of existence.

When you care only for yourself, you can be broken. But when you care only for someone else, nothing can break you. It’s impossible because there’s nothing there to break. I live for Valerie, not myself. She is the only thing I have that has any value.

I sink deeper into my meditation, losing sense of time. They think they can trap me in this cell and drive me insane just to get a confession, but they don’t know what I’ve been through. This is nothing to me.

My stillness must be bothering them, because my cell door is opened after only a few hours. I keep completely still and calm, not opening my eyes or responding to the footsteps as someone approaches me.

“You’re free to go,” a deep voice says.

I open my eyes, looking up at the jail guard with his jingling keys and blank expression.

That was quicker than I thought it would be, but maybe I’ve just been here longer than I had imagined. I stand up, feeling static in my legs as I regain circulation. “How long have I been in here?”

The guard shrugs. “Don’t know, but the boss says you’re free to go, so you’re free to go.”

“Of course,” I reply with a thin smile as I walk past him out of the cell.

I’m sure Boris is waiting for me outside, and since I haven’t heard a word about Valerie, I have to assume she’s either beenlet out already. I’m looking forward to seeing her expression when she realizes how easily I’m able to walk out of situations that would seem hopeless to a regular person.

There’s very little paperwork on my way out, nothing to hold me back for longer than I need to be. I’ve done nothing wrong, after all. This whole ordeal was a simple mistake.

Laughably innocent, just like I am.

But there’s no laughter as I step outside. All I see is Boris waiting in a blue sedan, the bearer of bad news.

I slide into the passenger’s seat, closing the door and addressing the elephant in the room immediately. “Where’s Valerie?”

He shakes his head. “I don’t want to tell you this, but I’m also not going to waste any time. The convoy to the police station was ambushed by Anatoly’s men. They took Valerie.”

My blood pressure spikes so hard and so fast that all I can see is red for several seconds. The skin on the back of my neck prickles, and I feel the urge to jump out of the car and start sprinting.

“I’ve already got people searching for them. We’ve linked up to a couple of cameras in the city, and I think we’ve found the license plate number,” Boris explains. “It’s registered to a dealership on the south side of the city, probably one of Anatoly’s companies.”

“Take us there,” I growl. “Now.”

Boris hits the accelerator hard, and we speed off from the police station with a deafening roar of the engine. Our speed climbs all the way up to double the limit, but Boris knows how to drive. He’s undergone more training than ambulance drivers would even dream of, and he’s never gotten into an accident in his life.

Impressive, considering how fast he’s driving most of the time.

“The place is run by a guy named Johnny. Or, that’s what he goes by, at least,”

Boris explains, taking a sharp left turn and continuing straight.

“Sounds like a fake name,” I reply.
