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“Why not?” I ask, curious about his conclusion.

“No makeup. All of the whores around here wear makeup when they dance. It’s the only way to find a guy who’s willing to pay them enough to take them home.”

He says it so matter-of-factly that I believe he’s not even trying to insult me or be crude. That’s just the way it is here, which means I’ve stepped into the wrong club. The people having sex on the couch are starting to make a lot more sense now.

I turn slightly, and he flinches like he’s about to jump at me.

I definitely don’t trust him now. There are so many alarm bells going off in my head that I can barely hear myself think.

“What’s your name, pretty girl?” he asks, craning his neck toward me while keeping the rest of his body still. It’s unsettling, like he’s trying to pull his own head off without using his hands.

“Valerie,” I reply. I can’t think of a fake name quick enough.

Something in his eyes tells me he already knew my name, and that he’s just looking for confirmation. Why does everyone suddenly know who I am? Is it because I’m involved with Pasha?

“Valerie, I believe you’re the model, aren’t you?”

Iwasa model but how would he know that? Unless he’s out there jerking off to women’s clothing catalogues, he wouldn’t know anything about my modeling career.

He sees my frown and is quick to clarify. “I know Mr. Blake. He said good things about you.”

I let out a sigh. “Oh, yes, Mr. Blake. That’s my former boss’s boss, so I’m not real chummy with him or anything. I actually don’t even work as a model anymore. I’m just here to relax, but I think I’m actually too tired for that. Maybe it’s best if I go.”

“Don’t go,” he blurts, grabbing my arm as I try to turn. “Don’t ever go, sweetheart. This place needs a cute girl like you. A lot of guys would pay a lot of money for someone so… delicious.”

His fingers dig deep into my arm, his dirty nails nearly breaking my skin as he stops me from leaving. There’s a wicked smile on his face and a whirling madness in his glassy eyes.

I pull away, but it doesn’t do me any good. I regret coming to this horrible place just to try to get high. It was a mistake that I shouldn’t have made, and I feel sick to my stomach for even considering doing coke when there’s even the slightest chance that I could be pregnant.

Maybe this is God’s way of punishing me for acting like an absolute moron.

“Anatoly will pay me millions for your tight little ass,” the man snarls, jerking me toward him.

I let out a sharp scream, but nobody seems to care. A few heads turn, but that’s it. The couple in the corner of the room keeps fucking, and the dancers keep dancing to that obnoxious electronic music like nothing is the matter.

Stuff like this must happen often here.

“Get away from me, you freak!” I pull my arm again, but this time I use the other one to throw an elbow into the man’s face. I’m not shy about it either. I want to smash this motherfucker’s nose so far into his head that it becomes imbedded into his brain.

My elbow makes solid contact with his nose, and I feel a crunch. He squeals in pain, dropping my arm and allowing me to getaway. I dart toward the exit, my heart pounding so hard in my chest that it feels like I’m dying.

I fly down the stairs, stumbling and almost falling as I rush to safety. The bottom of my sneakers catch on a sticky patch on the floor, allowing me to recover and reach the first floor without breaking my neck.

“Not so fast!” A man jumps out in front of me, much larger and sturdier than the one who grabbed me upstairs.

I bounce off his chest, and he grabs at me as I’m recovering. “You’re not going anywhere. The boss wants you right here, little bitch.”

I try to elbow him in the nose like the other guy, but he’s quicker, catching my arm and twisting it behind my back. He moves it so far that a sharp pain shoots through me, bringing me to my knees as he chuckles.

As he’s laughing at my suffering, the other man jogs down the stairs, holding his nose as thick crimson blood drips on his old leather shoes. “She broke my damn nose! That bitch hit me!” he wails, pointing at me like a child telling on his sister. “Break her fucking arm… Do it! Snap it in half!”



Ican’t believe it took us this fucking long to get here. Valerie could already be in serious trouble if she made it this far south. Anatoly is out to destroy her, and driving straight into his territory is a death sentence. She shouldn’t be here, and it’s my fault.

All of this was preventable. I allowed my jealousy to get the better of me, and now I could be paying the ultimate price.
