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Andrea huffed but let go of some of her toxins. Not all of them, though. “Then bring me Daniel already! What if I was a citizen with an issue?”

Mia rolled her eyes and mumbled, “You’re a citizen with alotof issues.” She leaned her head back toward the corridor, not moving from her once again faux laid-back position against the desk, probably to contain the woman if needed. “Danny! The reason you need therapy is here.”

Danny strode from his office with a confused expression, understanding dawning on his face once he sawher. From where I was standing, I saw Ben follow him. When Danny’s friend noticed who the person was, he seemed worried and turned around to where the kids—Sofia—were.

“What do you want, Andrea? I don’t have time for you.”

“Danny! I missed you.” Her voice was nauseatingly sweet as she approached to hug him. When he stepped back and crossed his arms to stop her advances, she pouted and turned despondent. “Not even a hug? After everything we’ve been through?”

“Is there a reason why you’re here? If there isn’t, I’m going to ask you to leave. I have a lot to do.”

“Like the nanny?” Her sweet character was gone, just like that.

“Watch your words and your tone when you speak about Lisa.” His warning fulfilled its intent when she stepped away, just glaring at me but not offending me anymore. “If you came here only to cause trouble, you can leave now.”

“I need to talk to you,” she whined. “You never answer my calls anymore.”

“Then do it fast. And if you ever have a question about Sofia, do so directly, instead of creating ruses to waste my time and get what you want.”

“Could we go somewhere private?”

“Whatever you have to say, you can do so here.”

She waved her hand to indicate me and hissed, “Not in front of the help.”

“I don’t know what kind of shit you’re stirring up right now, but I advise you to start respecting Lisa.” His voice was low, but his message was coming across clearly.

She straightened and puffed. “Fine. I just wanted to let you know I’m getting married soon.”

“Watch out for your apples, people!” Mia exclaimed. “The witch has struck again.” Despite her sarcasm, I noticed Mia seemed suspicious—with good reason—while Haley was worried.

Danny was taken aback by Andrea’s declaration, and I could only hope it wasn’t because, deep down, he still had feelings for her. “Who is he?”

“It’s none of your business. I just thought it’d be nice to—”

“Who is he, Andrea?” His voice was lethal, like I’d never heard before.

“An old lover. We reacquainted recently and—”

“What’s. His. Name?”

“Now you care about me?”

“I don’t give a shit about you, but whomever you end up trapping might have access to my daughter, and I’ll be damned if I’ll let you put her at risk again.”

“She’s my daughter, too. We raised her together—”

“No, wemadeher together, butIraised her, Sofia ismydaughter.” He pointed a finger at his chest.

“My fiancé is a family man. He’d love to spend more time with her—”

“That’s a hard no. You don’t get to play house with whomever he is, usingmydaughter for your entertainment. Your visitation continues as it isunless I decide you’re being a risk to her and we end this altogether.” His breathing was as hard as his voice was lethal. “If I learn that you put her at risk again in any way, just to appease the new victim you want to call husband, so help me God, I’ll throw your ass in jail, and you’ll never hear so much as her name again. Who. Is.He?”

“You don’t know him, okay?” she snapped. “We reunited a while back, and we’re so in love, we want to get married soon. I’m being nice in informing you.” With her fidgety hands, not believing her words was the only reaction we could have.

Having noticed the heaviness in the conversation—Danny and Andrea weren’t exactly quiet—Hugo came from the playroom to check on Mia. Even more adorable than that was when he started growling and barking at Andrea. I loved that dog.

Mia squatted to pet him and calm him down, using her puppy voice. “Oh no, dear!” She pointed at Andrea. “That’s not the Evil Queen.” She shook her head and explained sweetly to the dog, “No. That Evil doesn’t have a job.”

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