Page 166 of One Wrong Move

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“And Riley?”

“She can’t let it rest.” He shook his head with a slight smile. “Those two are a mess.”

“I’d say in the best possible way.”

“Now’s not the time to unpack that, but we will later,” he said. “I just can’t see it.”

She shrugged a shoulder. “I hate to say it, but most men are oblivious when it comes to that kind of stuff.”

He tugged her to him. “I’d hardly say I’m oblivious to you.”

“Mmm.” She smiled. “And I’m glad of that.”

He pressed his lips to hers. This wasn’t the time, but he couldn’t help himself. Just a short kiss now that they were out of danger. At least for the moment.


As anticipated, Greyson arranged a private jet for their trip home, landing them in Santa Fe less than two hours later. If Cyrus and Ethan were headed back to New Mexico, they had nearly a full day’s drive.

“We’ve got a very short window to figure out where they’re headed for the exchange,” Christian said as the gang all sat around the round table, Harper included.

“We’ve got some help in that area,” Greyson said.

Riley hopped off the stool and moved to stand beside Greyson at the glass panels, a marker in hand. “Flynn Josephs with Border Patrol responded to the picture of Teresa Gutierrez I put out. She crossed the border under the alias of Rebecca Martinez. He said Feds are looking for her too.”

“I don’t care who finds and stops them—Border Patrol, the Feds, or us,” Christian said. “As long as they’re caught.”

“Agreed,” Deckard said, kicking back in his chair. He propped his boot against one of the table legs, balancing himself at an inclined angle.

Christian did the exact opposite, leaning forward. “Where did she come over the border?”

“Antelope Wells port of entry.”

“She came up through New Mexico and in the bootheel area?” Christian said. “I expected Juarez-El Paso.”

“Agreed,” Greyson said. “The key is finding out why there.”

Riley crossed her legs. “She could have just wanted to go through a less populated entry. Sort of sneaking in, if you will.”

“But it’s easier to blend in with a larger group of people,” Deck said.

“Good point.”

Christian exhaled. “All right, let’s review what we know about Teresa Gutierrez. We want to find someplace on this side of the border she’d wait at until Cyrus and Ethan make the drive back.”

“And we should find out if where she’s staying is the same place they’ll make the drop or if there’s a second location we need to figure out,” Andi said.

Christian reached over and gave her hand a squeeze. Everyone noticed, but he didn’t care. “So what do we know?”

“She and Cyrus were born in Lordsburg, New Mexico. Both American citizens. She now has dual citizenship.”

“That’s a fairly small town....” Christian said, running that through his mind.

“It’s the county seat of Hidalgo County,” Riley said, scanning the pages. “Population now around four thousand. Back when they were kids growing up there ... I can’t imagine how small it was.”

“Let’s see if there’s any property in her name,” Christian said.

“Or her alias,” Riley added.

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