Page 165 of One Wrong Move

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Cyrus looked back—the floodlight fixed on him. He fired, and they dove to the hard rubber floor of the raft.

Christian pulled his gun from his holster. “Lay low, but steer the boat and keep the light on them, if you can.”

“I’ve got it,” she said.

He raised up enough to fire over the raft’s bow, aiming for Cyrus.

Bang. Bang. Bang.

Cyrus ducked. He yelled something at Ethan, who then crouched low, moving for the aft.

Cyrus’s head raised just above the raft’s edge, and Christian fired again.

Again, Cyrus ducked. Then he grabbed Mr. Beaumont, hauling him to his feet—the two swaying as rippling waves bobbed their raft. Once again, he held Mr. Beaumont in front of him so Christian didn’t have a clear shot.

Cyrus smiled in the floodlight and fired into Beaumont’s side.

The man cried out in pain.

Cyrus threw him overboard, Ethan gunned the engine, and the Zodiac streaked away.

Christian’s muscles hardened to the point of pain. Cyrus knew they’d stop to help, and they would lose them, but there was nothing else they could do. They steered straight for Mr. Beaumont.

Reaching the sputtering man, Christian reached over the edge and brought the man close to the raft’s side. “I’m sorry. This is going to hurt,” he said, slipping his arms under Beaumont’s armpits. “Herewe go.” He hauled the elderly man up and in. The man screamed and writhed in pain.

“It’s going to be all right,” Andi said, kneeling over the man and applying pressure to his wound. “Coast Guard is on the way. We’ve got you.”

But they’d lost Cyrus and Ethan in the night.


“What are we going to do now?” Andi asked after they’d passed Mr. Beaumont over to the Coast Guard—who sent another boat out to search for Cyrus and Ethan, though her gut said they wouldn’t find the men.

“Figure out where they’re going to make the trade with Teresa,” Christian said, toweling off on shore, thanks to the Coast Guard’s provision, though puddles still formed around their feet.

“You think the heists are done?”

“Yeah. I think Ethan gave us a strong clue to lead us here because he knew this was their last job. And it stands to reason Teresa will be coming to the States or sending men to collect her goods.”

Andi exhaled. “The question is where.”

“Let’s head back home and see what we can figure out,” he said.

“You don’t think the swap could happen near the Cali-Mexico border?”

“It might, but Teresa and her drug-lord husband live in Chihuahua, Mexico. My bet is it’s going to be around the New Mexico or Texas borders. It’ll take them time to make the drive back. They can’t risk flying with stolen objects. We should be able to reach MIS headquarters within five or six hours if we take a commercial flight, but maybe we—”

“How else would we... Oh, Greyson,” she said. “Seriously, how does he do it?”

“I wasn’t joking when I called him our Lucius-slash-Alfred. He’s always there to help, and he provides us with just what we need when we need it.”

“But how?” She didn’t like being out of the “know.”

“He’s a private man with a lot of connections we don’t understand, and I imagine a good deal of money, but we respect his privacy on all of that.”

“Gotcha. Doesn’t it make you wonder, though?”

“Of course, but Deck and I have chalked it up to him just being a man of mystery.” He chuckled.

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