Page 89 of Best Vacation Ever

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Night Four of Cuba


With Adam’s key card in my hand, I march to his door and knock. Normally I’d run after what just happened; I’d run far away and hope we never had to talk about the fact that I threw myself at him, and thathe kissed me back. But after that fight with Faye, my adrenaline is spiking, and if I’m honest with myself, getting some stuff off my chest felt good. Arguing with Faye was awful, of course, but maybe I don’t always have to sit back and wait for the right time to jump in. Maybe sometimes it’s best to face things head-on.

Adam doesn’t answer, so I knock again. There’s music coming from inside the room, so I know someone’s in there. I’m pretty sure Adam and Kellan are sharing this room tonight, and since Kellan’s currently in my room, it has to be Adam.

“Adam?” I call out, but the door still doesn’t open.

Is he ignoring me after what happened? Does he regret kissing me? I fiddle with the key card in my hand.

Up until a few moments ago, we hadn’t been on the greatest terms, and then we kissed, and now I don’t know where we stand. The Lori that Adam thinks I am would never force him to talk to me, to try to clear the air between us. No. That Lori issweetandpredictable.

My hand tightens on the key card.

Maybe I don’t want to besweetandpredictable. That Lori never would’ve gotten any answers. She would’ve wallowed in uncertainty all night and gotten anxiety anytime Adam came close, analyzing every single action, agonizing over what happened until it ate at her from the inside out.

Now is not the time to bethatLori. I’m too hyped up from the words hurled back and forth between me and Faye to consider walking away now anyway. I’d already be up all night thinking about the fight I had with my best friend—it’s too soon for me to fix that—but I can figure out where I stand with Adam. So, instead of backing away from his door, I slide the key card into the reader and turn the handle when it beeps.

The fast-paced bachata music is louder once the door opens, loud enough to drown out my thoughts, and before I lose my resolve, I charge into the dark room. I pass the little hall where the bathroom door is and step into the main part of the room.

Once my eyes adjust to the dim glow from the lights streaming in through the sliding door, I freeze.

Oh my goodness!

Faster than I’ve ever moved, I scramble back to the door, fumbling with the handle until it finally clicks. With my heart pounding in my ears, I throw the door open and run out into the hall, relishing the fresh air, and slam straight into a hard body.

Adam steadies me before I regain my balance and his arms drop to his sides.

“What are you doing?” he asks, his eyes tracking the key card in my hand and landing on the closed door behind me.

Suddenly, all the bravado I was feeling before leaves me in one great whoosh. Everything I wanted to say to him evaporates, and instead all that comes out of my mouth is, “Alessio and Priyasha are having sex in your room!”

His eyebrow lifts a fraction, but other than that he gives no indication that he’s surprised, nothing to show this is a revelation to him too.

“I know,” he says calmly. “Why do you think I’m out here?”

My jaw drops. “What? You knew?”

“Yes, since day two,” he states. He’s completely unfazed.

Meanwhile, I feel like the hallway is spinning. “Why were you in my room, anyway?”

I force myself to unscramble my thoughts. “I didn’t know Alessio was in there, obviously. I found your key card on the floor and went to talk to you.”

He takes the card I hold out to him with his brows drawn together. “If you knew this was my card, how could you have thought I was in my room? I wouldn’t have been able to get in.”

His logic is a shock to my system, making me want to face-palm. He’s right. If I was thinking about something other than my anger and my fight with Faye, I would’ve realized Adamcouldn’tbe in his room, because I was holding his key card.

The picture I have of Priyasha and Alessio together is burned into my mind. It wasn’t even this bad last time I walked in on Faye and Kellan because I didn’t reallyseeanything then, just knew they were doing it. But I got a good view of Priyasha and Alessio, good enough to know that neither one noticed me, and good enough to know that it couldn’t be mistaken for anything other than sex.

“Did Alessio and Olivia break up?” I ask Adam, and from the set of his jaw alone, I already know the answer.


“Is he planning on breaking up with her?”

Alessio’s obviously not remorseful considering this isn’t the first time he’s been with Priyasha, and he keeps going back to her. Clearly, he’s not thinking about his relationship, or about the girl he’s been with for years.

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